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WISE-SCOPE Fellowship

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WISE-SCOPE Fellowship

The WISE SCOPE Fellowship program of the Department of Science & Technology(DST) aims to provide opportunity to Women Scientists and Technologists who have completed Ph.D. and want to utilize their S&T knowledge and expertise for the benefit of society. This program promotes projects that directly deal with challenges at grassroots level and address them through S&T interventions.  Projects under WISE-SCOPE (WISE-Societal Challenges with Opportunities) should provide S&T solutions to our social problems, livelihood generation, drudgery reduction, health and nutrition related issues, management of natural resources, sustainable agriculture, climate change, disaster management etc. Project proposal should include the development of viable technology/technique with possibility of lab-to-landtransfer, adaptation and scaling up for the benefit of society under following broad the masticates.

Broad Thematic Areas : 
1.Energy, Water and Waste Management (EWWM)
2. Engineering and Technology Development(ETD)
3. Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development (ECSD)
4. Agriculture and Allied Sciences (AAS)
5. Health, Food and Nutrition (HFN)

Eligibility :
1. Employment : Candidates in regular employment are not eligible for WISE-SCOPE. However,women scientists who are temporarily employed in research or academics may apply in this program but they have to leave earlier assignment, if, selected in WISE-SCOPE program.
(The position of applicant in any project,as Post-Doctoral Fellow,Research Associate,etc.will be considered as temporary assignment.)
2.  Age: The minimum age to apply is 27 years and maximum is 60 years as on the date of submission.
3. Educational Qualification: Women Scientists who have completed Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences or having equivalent degree like MD/MS/MDS are eligible for WISE-SCOPE.
Financial Support : This Program provides the basic fellowship of the applicant @ Rs.55000/-and HRA(as per norms) per month, Research Grant of Rs. 2.0 Lakh per year, Field Demonstration etc. of Rs. 1.0 Lakh (for project tenure) and cost of small equipment (up to a maximum of Rs. 2.0 Lakh) along with Institutional overhead charges as per DST norms.
Project Tenure : Up to 3 years.
Selection Process : Criteria of selection will be on the basis of Preliminary screening of eligibility, and then further Applicant’s credentials, identified societal challenge, Scientific methodology proposed,expected beneficiary on the ground by the outcome of the project, etc. and final selection would be made as per recommendations of the Subject Expert Committees (SECs). The final decision of DST will be communicated to the applicants only after obtaining due administrative and financial approvals.

Instructions for Filling online application
1. Please refer detailed guidelines of the program at Annexure 7of this document.
2. Log on to access the home page of the “DST e-PMS Portal”.
3. Before filling up the form candidates are advised to carefully go through the Relevant Advertisement published at the DST Website ( and also available under Schemes and Formats in the e-PMS Portal (
4. To save your time and avoid data loss, please download the proposal format, fill in all the information required as per the format (Word and PDF) file (max. size 5Mb), and then keep it ready for the upload during submission of mandatory documents.
5. Please keep ready all documents required (listed in “please note” section) to be uploaded in the online application.
6. Click on “New PI Registration” and fill in the requisite details for New user registration. In the ‘Personal Information’ section, fill – Department, Institute, and Institute Address as per the Host Institute identified for WISE-SCOPEFellowship project. Fill in the Designation as ‘WISE-SCOPE Fellow’
7. After logging-in, click on the “Submit proposals” link, which would take you to a page seeking information like – General information, Principal Investigator, Mentor detail, Suggested Referees (Those who are working and also experts in the proposed area), Financial Details, PFMS Details, Ongoing Project Details (if any), Programme details, then finally Submission. Fill in all the information sought against each menu, as applicable.
8. Please read subtopics under the Broad theme areas, given at Annexure 8.
9. Project detail under the Programme detail menu would require information about the category of the project. Please carefully choose the category of the project based on the objective and expected outcome of the proposed work. Need to mention about the specific challenge of the society which is getting addressed by this scientific proposal and also the target beneficiary which would be affected by its outcome.
10. In the ‘Financial Details’ section, enter the ‘WISE-SCOPE Fellow’ in description in each year of fellowship section of recurring budget section. The amount for each year calculated on the basis of Rs. 6,60,000/- per year (@Rs. 55,000/- per month). If claiming for HRA, fill in the amount on the basis of the applicable rate @ 9/ 18/ 27 percent (as per GOI norms for X, Y and Z class of city) of the fellowship amount. Research grant is @ Rs. 2,00,000/- per year. In case of field testing, demonstration, or knowledge dissemination of the technologythe max. limit of @ Rs. 1,00,000/- is allocated. Overheadwould be as per norms. Non Recurring grant is up to max. Rs. 2,00,000/- for small equipment. In case of request of more than one small equipment within the max limit, please fill names of each equipment with its cost in desired year. Quotation of each equipment would require to be uploaded as supporting document. Justification of all requirements (especially research grant, equipment etc.) should properly be filed.
11. If you have the PFMS Unique Agency Code of the Host Institute, fill it in the ‘PFMS Details’; else, leave this section. It will require later during project amount release process, therefore keep this information ready later on accordingly, if not available now. 
12. After filling in all the above particulars, preview all given details before the final submission of the application form by clicking on the “Preview” button. The preview page will display all facts/particulars that you have mentioned.If there is something that you wish to update, go back and correct the information or else proceed with the filled details by clicking on the “Submit” button to finally push data into the server.
13. Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application themselves as no change will be possible/ entertained after clicking the FINAL SUBMIT BUTTON.

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