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HAL Limited invites application for Pharma Apprenticeship

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HAL Limited invites application for Pharma Apprenticeship

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd a  Navratna  Central  Public Sector  Undertaking,  is  a  premier  Aeronautical  Industry  of  South East  Asia,  with  20  Production/Overhaul/  Service  Divisions  and  10 co-located R&D Centers spread across the Country. HALs spectrum of  expertise  encompasses  design,  development,  manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-engines, Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and structural components for Satellites & Launch Vehicles.

Post : Pharmacy  - Apprentices

No of Vacancies : 04
Qualification : Regular 4 years B.E/B.Tech/B.Pharm degree in respective branch from recognized university.
Eligibility Criteria :- 1. Passing :- Candidate must have passed Degree/Diploma in the year 2020,2021,2022,2023 & 2024.Candidate should possess Passing Certificate as on date of application as per BOAT guidelines. Candidate with status “Appearing” or “Result awaited” shall not be eligible. Candidates with pending Back Papers or whose Supplementary Exam results are awaited shall not be eligible.
2. Already registered/Undergoing/Completed apprenticeship :- Candidates who have already registered as an apprentice in any other company or have completed apprenticeship will not be eligible to apply.
3. Registration on NATS 2.O Portal / NATS 2.O :- Candidate must register to get Registration Number on NATS portal; and indicate the registration number in Google application Form. (Candidates who have already registered on old NATS portal, need to migrate on NATS 2.O Portal. For migration you have to contact your regional BOAT office).
Nationality : Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply.
The reservation for engagement of Apprentices will be admissible as per The Apprenticeship Act 1961/Govt of India/HAL guidelines.
Category & Reservation Quota
SC : 10%
ST : 9%
OBC (NCL) : 27%
PWD : 4%
EWS : 10%
Stipend :- 50 % Stipend will be paid by company & remaining 50% will be paid by BOAT through DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) in your Aadhar seeded Bank account as per rules.

How to Apply
Step 1 Candidates shall first register on (NATS.2.O) portal with their Diploma/Engg. Graduate/Non-Tech. Graduate education and obtain “Student ID/ Enrollment ID”. Candidates who have Completed Engg Graduation after diploma must register/upgrade their profile as an Engineering Graduate (i.e Higher Qualification) on Portal. 
(Candidates are requested to go through the Help & Reports Student Manual/Help Videos/Guide to successful DBT beneficiary registration links on at the bottom of home page before doing registration).
Step 2 :– After getting “Student ID / Enrollment ID”, open the Google form by using link or QR code given below. Fill all the information accurately as per available documented proof. Giving wrong information will lead to rejection of form during scrutiny. This Google form can be filled once only & cannot be corrected further.

Important Instructions for Candidates
1. Kindly read the detail official advertisement & FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) in annexure- 1 before filling the application form. 
2. Before applying, the candidate should satisfy themselves regarding eligibility criteria. The candidate should also ensure that the particulars furnished by him/her in the application form are correct in all respect. In case any discrepancy is detected during the engagement process/ apprenticeship training or if found, he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material facts, his/her candidature will be cancelled/terminated at any stage.  
3. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination and possessing Original/Provisional certificate are only eligible. 
4. Candidates must indicate aggregate percentage of marks as per your university norms in the Google form. In case of CGPA score, convert it in to percentage as per the university norms and indicate in Google form. Candidates have to show valid conversion formula by the university printed on mark Sheet/Certificate. If not available on mark sheet/certificate the conversion has to be certified by the college principal on letter head which will be verified at the time of document verification. 
5. As 50 % Stipend is being paid by Govt. though DBT, candidates must ensure the bank account given in NATS 2.O Portal must be Aadhar Seeded. As HAL pays 50% share of stipend in SBI savings bank account only, it is convenient to have same SBI savings account updated in NATS 2.O portal.
6. Candidates have to enter his/her NAME in Google form as it appears NATS Portal. 
7. Candidate are requested to enter a valid details viz. email id, mobile number, Aadhar number, Date of Birth, Category, Academic details etc. in the NATS portal & Google form. HAL-Nasik shall not be responsible for any application being rejected or candidate not shortlisted due to incorrect data.
8. The apprenticeship portal ‘' is operated by MHRD Government of India. For enquiries regarding the issues related with web portal, the candidates are requested to contact help line numbers mentioned in the portal. Correspondence with respect to functionality of portal will not be entertained by HAL-Nasik. Your portal registration name, Aadhar name & Degree/Diploma certificate name should be same & there should not be any spelling mistake. If there is any error try to get it corrected at the earliest. Upload your original documents on the NATS portal profile (Aadhar Card, Degree/Diploma Passing Certificate, Bank Passbook etc.) 
9. After short-listing candidate will have to report HAL-Nasik for apprenticeship training on the prescribed date of joining. If the candidate does not report on scheduled date, it will be assumed that he/she is not interested in the apprenticeship and his/her candidature will be forfeited. 
10. All Original certificates / documents should be produced at the time of joining for apprenticeship training.
11. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification. 
12. Shortlisted candidates are required to produce medical fitness certificate from Certified Medical Practitioner (minimum MBBS) at the time of joining. 
13. Shortlisted candidates need to produce Police Verification Report from the residing District’s/Tehsil’s Superintendent/Commissioner of Police at the time of Joining.
14. HAL reserves the right to cancel the advertisement and /or the selection process/or the allocation quota there under. Decision of HAL Management regarding the selection will be final. Further HAL Management reserves the full right to fill up or otherwise any or all the notified posts depending on the availability of the candidate in any trade/discipline and also to fill up the vacancies if any. 
15. After completion of the training, there will be no obligation on HAL-Nasik to offer any employment to the apprentice in HAL-Nasik.
16. The candidate has to make his/her own arrangement for accommodation & travelling for the engagement process/during Apprenticeship Training Period. 
17. Candidates are advised to check their emails regularly and visit ‘’ in Career Section - Aircraft Manufacturing Division. Nasik for updates on the apprentice engagement process. 
18. Candidates are required to register/apply only on Govt. website (NATS 2.O) & Official Google link given above. 
19. Candidate need not pay any application/registration fees anywhere.

Important Dates
Last Date of Filling Google Form :- 31/8/2024 
Physical Document Verification of shortlisted candidates :- 2/3rd Week of Sept.2024
Publish of Shortlisted Candidate’s list :- 4th week of Sept.2024
Joining date  :- 2nd week of Oct.2024 (Tentative Date)
No form will be considered submitted after due date.

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