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Applications are invited for post of Research Scientist at Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for post of Research Scientist at Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences

The Institute of Liver & Biliary  Sciences (ILBS) has been established by the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi as an autonomous institute, under the Societies act. The mission of ILBS is to become a dedicated international centre of excellence for the diagnosis, management and advanced training and research in the field of liver and biliary diseases.  The first phase of ILBS is already functional having 180 hospital beds, 74 of which cater as intensive care (ICU) beds.

Post : Project Research Scientist -1 (Non- Medical) No. of Post = 1

Applications are invited for the post of Project Research Scientist -1 (Non-Medical) (On Contractual Basis) for the project entitled “A Phase III, multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, interventional study on efficacy and safety of Standardized fraction of Picrorhiza kurroa Royal Ex Benth (Picroliv®) for 24 weeks in the Management of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)”.

Consolidated Remuneration per month (in INR) : 56000/- P.M+HRA 27% @ Rs 15,120/- P.M=Rs 71,120/- P.M
Eligibility Criteria / Qualification and Experience : Essential: First-class in Master’s in Clinical Research/Clinical Trials including an integrated master’s degree, or Second class in Master’s in Clinical Research/Clinical Trials including an integrated Master’s degree with a PhD in Clinical Research/Clinical Trials/Epidemiology. Desirable: 1-2 years’ experience post qualification in clinical trials.
Age Limit : 35 Years
Job Location : Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences (ILBS), D-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070.
Duration of the project : 1 year
General Instructions
1. Interested candidates who fulfill the mentioned qualifications/eligibility criteria may send complete application form along with all the relevant documents to Dr. Ankit Bhardwaj, Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS), Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070, through email : by 5th Sep 2024 
2. The appointment under the project shall be on "contract basis" initially for a period of Six months with 30 days’ notice period, further extendable for next six months based on the individual performance and availability of funds/extension of the project. 
3. The effective date for reckoning the requisite qualification and experience and the upper age limit will be 31.07.2024. 
4. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview/skill test in the Institute. The shortlisted candidates will be required to bring all their photocopies of degree/certificate/diploma/testimonials along with their printed application form. 
5. No TA/DA will be provided.

The interested candidates are required to send their Curriculum Vitae in the Job Application Form as attached to be downloaded, printed, filled and send the scanned copy along with all relevant documents (ie. degree / certificate / diploma / testimonials / publications along with their application/resume) on or before 05-Sep-2024 through e.mail at for further process. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for written test / Interview / Skill test in the Institute and will be communicated.
Application Form & More Info

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