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Openings for Pharmacists at Municipal Corporation - 17 vacancies

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Openings for Pharmacists at Municipal Corporation

Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) is a local government committed to provide basic infrastructure facilities including entertainment facilities to the people of the city. RMC is very well known for the managing the city by using private sector participation as well as introduction of innovative mechanism in management to serve people efficiently. City has prepared different plans for improving services and to nullify gap between services and demands.

Post : Pharmacist

Online applications are invited from category wise candidates to fill up 100% grant based posts of Govt.Urban Health Project Cell on fixed salary basis as mentioned below for previously sanctioned vacancies.

No of posts : 17

Should have a B.Pharm degree from any University established or incorporated under the Act of the Central Government or State Government or from any other educational institution recognized as Deemed University under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act-1956
and Pharmacy Council of India should be registered with Gujarat Pharmacy Council.
02 (two) years experience as a Junior Pharmacist in a Government Institution/Government Owned Institution/Board/Municipal Corporation or as a Dispenser/Compounder in a recognized Allopathy Hospital Dispensary or as a Pharmacist Medical Representative in any pharmaceutical company incorporated under the Companies Act-2013
Must have basic knowledge of computer applications as specified in Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules-1967 and as amended from time to time.
and should have knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both.

Pay Scale :- Monthly fixed salary Rs.31340/- for the first five years, after which five years of services will be considered for inclusion in Pay Matrix Level-5 Scale 29200-92300 as per 7th Pay Commission.

Age limit :- 18 to 36 years (as per Government Resolution dated 29/09/2022)

Computer Subject Qualification
As per provision of rule-8(1A) of Gujarat Civil Service Classification and Recruitment General Rules-1967, certificate of having basic knowledge of computer applications has to be submitted. Government General Administration Department Resolution No. dated 13/08/2008: CRR-10-2007-120320- G.P. The course mentioned in the attached sheet-1 is declared as Basic Knowledge of Computer. Candidate should have adequate knowledge of Gujarati and Hindi.

Citizenship : Candidates for admission to the examination shall be (a) Citizen of India or (b) Citizen of Nepal (c) Citizen of Bhutan or (d) Exile of Tibet who came to India before 01/01/1962 with intention of permanent residence in India or (f) Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka And an Indian person who has migrated from East African countries-Kenya, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Malawi, Zer, Ethiopia, United, Republic of Tanzania, with the intention of permanent residence in India, but persons of categories (b) to (f) Gujarat Govt. The appointee will be eligible only if the eligibility certificate is obtained from Candidates for this post should be native of Gujarat state and domicile of Gujarat state.

Important tips for candidates to keep in mind while applying online
• The details filled by the candidate in the online application form will be considered final for the entire recruitment process and the original (including attested copies) will have to be submitted when the Rajkot Municipal Corporation asks for the proof. If any change or difference is found in the details and proofs filled in the online application form during verification, the candidature will be considered cancelled.
• Non-reserved and unreserved women candidates have to deposit Rs.500/- (five hundred) as examination fee and other category candidates have to deposit Rs.250/- (two hundred and fifty) as examination fee only through online mode from Rajkot Municipal Corporation website. This application fee is online only and only. Only Net Banking will be accepted. After paying the application fee, the candidate can submit his application no. And the transaction ID must be preserved. No refund will be given after payment of application fee. Application without payment of fee will be liable to be cancelled. Candidates who fail to pay the application fee will not be allowed to appear for any written test/screening test/oral interview in the procedure to be prescribed by the appointing authority.
• Candidate should keep more copies of the passport size photograph uploaded in the online application form and carry the same photograph at the time of recruitment process (Written Test Interview etc.).
• If any candidate applies more than once for the same post, Rajkot Municipal Corporation will have the authority to decide on cancellation of their application/applications.
• Age, qualification and related matters will be considered valid as on the last date of acceptance of online application.
• If the grade is mentioned in the mark sheet, degree certificate, its equivalent in percentage should be furnished the conversion table of the recognized university. Employees working in Rajkot Municipal Corporation have to produce last month's pay slip at the time of verification of original certificates. Apart from this, if more than one post has been served, a copy of promotion or selection order must be submitted.
• The reserved caste candidate has to submit a certificate issued by the competent authority of the Government as per the specimen prescribed by the Government of Gujarat regarding his caste
• Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Castes, Socio-Educationally Backward Classes, A.N.W., originally from Gujarat. A relaxation of five (5) years in the upper age limit will be given in case of candidates of No reservation benefit will be admissible on the basis of the above caste certificate issued by a State other than the State of Gujarat.
• According to the rules female candidates will be given relaxation of five (5) years in the upper age limit. Originally reserved caste candidates from Gujarat have to apply on reserved seat or non-reserved seat? It has to be clearly mentioned in the online application form and if the reserved caste candidates originally from Gujarat apply on non-reserved seats then the norms applicable to candidates on non-reserved seats will apply to such candidates.

• A submission to change the category later on in the caste (category) indicated by the candidate in the online application will not be entertained.
• For Candidates from Socially and Educationally Backward Classes:
• Apart from caste certificate, the candidates have to produce a certificate as per Annexure-IV prescribed by Department of Social Justice and Empowerment that they do not belong to advanced category.
• A married woman candidate will have to produce such certificate based on her parents' income. If such candidates have produced such a certificate based on their husband's income, they will not be entitled to the benefit of reservation. The selected candidate will be subject to such conditions as may be decided by the appointing authority.
• If the candidate has given any details wrongly in the online application or any information is found to be wrong at any stage of the recruitment process, his application will be rejected at that stage and even if he has obtained the passing standard, his candidature will be considered cancelled. Also in future if the date of birth, educational qualification, age, caste, experience and other evidence submitted by the candidate at the time of appointment is found to be wrong or suspicious, appropriate legal action will be taken against him and if the appointment was made by the selection of such a candidate, the appointment will be canceled at any stage.
• Pressure brought directly or indirectly on the members of the Staff Selection Committee will result in disqualification of the candidate,
• If there is a need to cancel or modify the advertisement given for any reason, Rajkot Municipal Corporation shall have full right to do so and Rajkot Municipal Corporation shall not be bound to give reasons for the same.
• The above is the process of filling up the vacant posts subject to the roster rules of the time. Taking into account the number of applications in the advertisement, the decision of the Municipal Commissioner whether to consider all the candidates for further recruitment process or to shortlist them on merit basis for further recruitment process/written test/oral interview/online test will be final. Further, the written/online examination may be conducted in more than one session, in different cities if necessary, in case of written examination. Candidates will not be able to make any dispute regarding this.
• Taking into account the number of applications in the advertisement, the decision of the Municipal Commissioner to decide the policy regarding the acceptance of the candidates for the further recruitment process will be final.

Last Date : 29-08-2023

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