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Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences Recruitment at National Chemical Laboratory | 05 posts

Clinical research courses

National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), Pune, established in 1950, is a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). CSIR-NCL is a science and knowledge based research, development and consulting organization. It is internationally known for its excellence in scientific research in chemistry and chemical engineering as well as for its outstanding track record of industrial research involving partnerships with industry from concept to commercialization.

Post : Research Associate-II

Applications are invited in the prescribed Proforma for filling up of position(s) of Research Associate-II on a purely temporary basis. The detail of the Sponsored Project under which engagement is proposed to be made is as under

No of Posts : 05

Name of the sponsoring agency : CSIR

Project Code No. : MLP101126

Title of the Project : Design and development of Indigenous Strain Portfolio for the production of Penicillin (PenV-IP)

Minimum prescribed educational Qualifications : Candidates with Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Botany / Bioinformatics / Computational biology / Chemical Engineering / Biological engineering / Chemistry / Pharmaceutical or related sciences/ Microbiology / Zoology / Life Sciences and related areas from a recognized university

Desirable experience, if any
1. RA-II-APG: Research experience on fungal, enzymology, biotechnology, omics technologies and molecular biology
2. RA-II-AR: Research experience in cell scale measurements, molecular biology, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, mathematical modeling and/or systems biology 3. RA-II-MJK: Mass spectrometry, Metabolomics and Biochemical analysis
4. RA-II-VP: Research experience in analytical separations, bioanalytical chemistry, Mass spectrometric method development, high throughput data analysis and analytical systems biology.
5. RA-II-MD: Research experience in fungal fermentation, process development, analytical techniques, strain improvement

Age limit* : 30 / 35 Years

Job requirement
1. RA-II-APG: Candidate has to perform experiments with elite strainsof Penicillium chrysogenum, metabolic flux analysis, development of constructs and genetic transformation
2. RA-II- AR: The position will focus on both cell free expression and engineering hosts Yeast/E. coli for Penicillin production by integrating the tools of synthetic biology, molecular biology and systems biology
3. RA-II-MJK: Candidate haswork onmolecular and cell biology aspects, biochemical pathway and metabolomic analysis.
4. RA-II-VP:The position will focus on development and implementation of mass spectrometric analytical methods and analysis from cell free extracts and cell culture supernatants for non-ribosomal peptides like penicillin and other small molecules.
5. RA-II-MD: Multiple fermentations and analysis of products using analytical techniques, troubleshooting, media engineering, statistical optimization for yield enhancement, strain improvement techniques

Consolidated emoluments per month : Rs. 42000/-

* Age limit for Project Assistant at level I/II/III/ will be as 28/30/35 years respectively with five years relaxation for statutory groups and women. Age limit for RA will be governed by CSIR-HRDG Guideline while for Project Scientist it will be based on the age limit given in the table.

The engagement will be initially for a period of six months which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the tenure of sponsored project/ satisfactory performance or conduct of the appointee, as the case may be. The engagement will be purely on temporary basis and shall not be CSIR/NCL appointment, temporary or otherwise and shall not entitle the appointee to any right/claim whatsoever, implicit or explicit, for his/her consideration against any CSIR/NCL post/fellowship

How to Apply:
The application in the prescribed Proforma (enclosed herewith) duly completed and signed, together with good quality and clearly readable scanned copies of relevant certificates/ testimonials, latest CV of the candidate, and photograph should be sent by email to by 5:30 pm of 19th August , 2020, with the subject as: “MLP101126: Application for RA-II position. Please write the given code mentioned in the Desirable experience & Job requirement according to your experience”. Please combine the application and all the supporting documents in a single PDF (max size 10 MB), and send it as attachment to the email. Emails with multiple attachments and those received after the closing date and time will not be considered. Only email applications will be accepted.

The prescribed educational qualifications are a bare minimum, and merely possessing of the same will not entitle the candidates to be called for interview. Where the number of applications received in response to this Notice of engagement is large, it may not be convenient or possible to interview all the candidates. Based on the recommendation of the Screening Committee, the Project Leader may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to reasonable limits after taking into consideration qualifications and experience over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed in the Notice. Therefore, it will be in the interest of the candidates to mention all the qualifications and experience in the relevant field at the time of applying.

The list of the candidates short listed by the Screening Committee for being interviewed would be updated online on 25th August, 2020. The candidates may also ascertain the information after 25th August, 2020 via email to, or through phone: 020-25902647. The interview will be conducted during 28th August, 2020 from 10:00 am onwards online through a suitable medium such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Cisco WebEx, etc. The meeting link will be provided only to the short-listed candidates. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing for the interview. The candidates recommended by the interview committee will have to join the duty immediately on receipt of the offer of engagement.

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