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M.Pharm, MSc Recruitment at CGCRI - Government Jobs

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M.Pharm, M.Sc Recruitment at CGCRI

Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) originally proposed to be named as Central Glass & Silicate Research Institute is one of the first four laboratories decided to be set up under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, the other three being National Chemical Laboratory,Pune; National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi and Central Fuel Research Institute, Dhanbad. Even though it started functioning in a limited way in 1944, the Institute was formally inaugurated on August 26, 1950.

Online Applications are invited for Online-Interview from bonafide Indian citizens in the following project(s), tenable at CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata.

Senior Research Fellow - 01 No.
Project No : GAP0265 
Project Title : “Mesoporous antibacterial bioactive glass microsphere inpregnanted non woven surgical cotton gauze based haemostatic dressing for profusely bleeding military wounds” 
Tenure : Initially 1 Year, likely to be extended upto 24.02.2023, depending upon satisfactory performance of the candidate  or Co-terminus with the duration of the project, whichever is earlier
Stipend : Rs.35,000/- + HRA as admissible p.m
Essential Qualification : M.Sc in Chemistry with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA/DGPA and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least 2 years of post M.Sc research experience. Or ME/M.Tech in Ceramic Technology with at least 60% marks or equivalent CGPA/DGPA  Or M.Pharm with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA/DGPA and one publication in SCI Journal and should have at least 1 year of Research Experience.
Age (As on last date of receipt of application) : 32 Years
Desirable : Experience in the area relevant to the project is desirable.
Advt.  No. : GC/R&A/GAP0265/JC/2020-21(5)

Junior Research Fellow- 01 No.
Project No : GAP0160
Project Title : ““Development of a Replicative, Rapid, Net Shape Manufacturing Process for Precision Glass Optics”
Tenure : Upto 16.12.2020  or Co-terminus with the duration of the project, whichever is earlier
Stipend : Rs.31,000/- + HRA as admissible p.m
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. In Physics/Chemistry (Inorganic / Physical)/ Electronics / Optics / Photonics / Biological Sciences (Biology, Bio-technology, Micro-biology, Physiology or equivalent with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA/DGPA and with NET / Valid GATE Or BE / B.Tech in Mechanical / Mechanical& Automation/Chemical/ Production/  Electronics & Instrumentation or equivalent/Production/Materials Science & Engg./Materials Engg / Metallurgical Engg. or equivalent with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA/DGPA and with NET/ Valid GATE
Upper Age limit as on date of Interview : 28 Years. The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Visually Handicapped and Female whereas 3 years in case of OBCs (Non-Creamy layer candidates).
Advt.  No. : GC/R&A/GAP0160/DS/2020-21(6)

Project Assistant - 01 No.
Project No : HCP0026
Project Title : “Biomaterials and Implants Technologies for Dental and Musculoskeletal Reconstruction”
Tenure : Initially 1 Year, likely to be extended upto 04.06.2023, depending upon satisfactory performance of the candidate or Co-terminus with the duration of the project, whichever is earlier
Stipend : – Rs. 20,000/- +  HRA As admissible p.m
Essential Qualification : B.Sc in Biological Science or related discipline/Chemistry Or  3-Year Dip. In Pharmacy/ Ceramic Tech.  Desirable: Experience in the area of synthesis of glass/ceramics/handling of cell lines/bacterial culture
Age limit : 50 Years. The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Visually Handicapped/Female whereas 3 years in case of OBCs (Non-Creamy layer candidates).
Advt.  No. : GC/R&A/HCP0026/VKB/2020-21(4)

General Conditions
1. Age relaxation will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC/PWD & Women candidates as per CSIR/Funding agency Guidelines.
2. The date for determining age/qualification and experience shall be the last date of submission of online application.
3. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the aforementioned projects. The engagement in these projects will not confer any right implicit or explicit on the candidate for consideration for regularization against any CSIR/CGCRI post(s).
4. The number of positions against the various projects can vary at the time of selection depending on the requirement of the institute.
5. Candidate(s) with results awaited will not be eligible.
6. Candidate(s) must calculate the percentage from CGPA/DGPA as per the calculation rule of University/Institute (Self Attested copy of the  rule to be attached), failing which he/she may not be allowed to appear in the Interview Board. 

The candidate are requested to send their applications to both the following e-mails only:
1. Eligible applicants will be called for online interview and they will be intimated about date of online interview.  They are requested to follow the  CGCRI website regularly for any update.
2. Based on the performance of the candidates and availability of suitable candidates, Selection Committee will select the candidate and may also recommend Panels for future engagement.

CSIR-CGCRI reserves the right not to fill up the position (s), if it so desired by the Competent Authority. The number of position(s) may increase/decrease, as per the requirement of the Institute. The decision of the Institute shall be final in this regard. Interim enquiries in this respect will not be entertained.

The last date of receipt of online Applications is 15.09.2020.

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