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Recruitment for Pharmacists at Indian Railway | Remuneration upto Rs 40,000/- pm

Clinical research courses

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) has been named after the great freedom fighter, leader and statesmen Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das. The production activity started on 26th January, 1950 the day when India became Republic. The initial product of Chittaranjan Locomotive Works was Steam Locomotive . In the period 1950-1972 Chittaranjan Locomotive Works turned out a total number of 2351 Steam Locomotives. From 1968 to 1993 CLW produced 842 Diesel Locomotives and from 1961 to uptill 31-03-19 total 6781 nos of Electric locomotives of different types.

Post : Pharmacist Grade-III

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works(CLW), under the Ministry of Railways, Government of India desires to engage the following full time Para-medical Staff on contract basis for a duration up to 31-03-2020 or till availability of regularly selected candidates, whichever is earliest, through “WALK-IN-INTERVIEW".

No of Posts : 02 (UR=01, EWS = 01)

Qualification : 10+2 in Science or its equivalent with Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 OR Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharma) from a recognized University or equivalent and Registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Medical Classification : C-2 (Cey-two)

Rate of monthly Remuneration## : Rs 41156.00^^

*There may be “Wait-listed/Stand-by” Para-medical candidates against the notified Panel/Select List, who may be engaged as per administrative necessity.
**The normal age limit indicated above is applicable for UR(Unreserved) and EWS(Economically Weaker Section) candidates. The same is further relaxable for SC and OBC candidates by 05(five) years and 03(three) years respectively.
#The Indian Nursing Council has also laid down certain special concessions for the above courses in respect of Auxiliary Nurse- Midwives, Midwives and ‘B’ Grade Nurses, by way of reduced course period etc. Candidates obtaining the qualification prescribed above, under these concessions will also be eligible for engagement as Nursing Superintendent [item-(i) above] on contract basis.

##Daily rate of deduction per day from the monthly remuneration will be applicable on pro-rata basis to the Contract Staff in
the event of absence/not attending the duty.

^^The monthly remuneration of contractual Staff engaged as Pharmacist Grade-III includes Rs.29200.00(Basic Pay in Level-5 of 7th
CPC Pay Matrix), Rs.3504.00(Dearness Allowance @ 12% of Basic Pay), Rs. 2336.00(House Rent Allowance @ 8% of Basic Pay),
Rs.2016.00(Transport Allowance @ Rs.1800.00 plus 12% Dearness Allowance on Rs.1800.00) and Rs.4100.00(Hospital Patient Care
Allowance). The amount of monthly remuneration may change on revision of Dearness Allowance.

The detail terms and conditions applicable for engagement of Para-medical Staff on contract basis are as under –
(i) The engagement of Para-medical Staff would be on full time contract basis, at fixed remuneration, for a period up to 31-03-2020 or till the vacant posts are filled up by regularly selected RRB candidates, whichever is earlier.
(ii) All the candidates should have good physical, sound mental conditions as per Railway Medical Standards. They will be subjected to medical examination as per extant Railway rules and those who are found fit in the prescribed medical examination will be engaged on contract basis. (iii) The services rendered as contract Para-medical staff is stop-gap arrangement and will not have any bearing in respect of consideration of their period of service in case of regular selection through RRB.
(iv) Full time Para-Medical Staff who enters into Contract with the Railways will not have any claim or right for automatic regularization or absorption in the Railways. (v) Candidates engaged in the Railways on contract basis will not have any claim or right for his/her continuity in service or automatic extension of the terms on the contract. These services will be terminated at the end of the contract period.
(vi) During the validity of the Contracts, the Full time Para-medical Staff or the Railway administration will be at liberty to terminate the contract by giving 15 days’ notice at any time during the contract without assigning any reason whatsoever. The contract shall also be terminated forthwith, if the full time Para-medical Staff is found to be mentally or physically incapacitated.

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(vii) The minimum working hour is 08 hours per day that may include day/night or day-cum-night as per exigency of service. Candidates engaged as Nursing Superintendent will have to perform shift duties as per Administrative requirement.
(viii) The rest/weekly off may be on different days not necessarily on holidays, etc.
(ix) The candidates on contract are required to follow the dress code as per Administrative requirement at their own cost.
(x) In case of unsatisfactory work or misconduct on the part of the personnel so engaged on contract basis, Railway reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without assigning any reason.
(xi) No private practice or any other employment will be permitted during the period of contractual service.
(xii) Candidates engaged in the Railways on contract basis are not entitled for any other benefits like Nursing Allowance, Children Education Allowance, etc. and privileges like grant of any kind of leave (except Maternity Leave in case of female contractual staff), travel facilities, Railway accommodation, etc.
(xiii) The candidates are personally responsible for payment of professional tax, income tax and other duties/taxes levied by the State/Central Government from time to time. (xiv) The detail instructions regarding duties and responsibilities, while on execution of contract agreement with Railway Administration, shall be given to the selected candidates along with offer of engagement.
(xv) The Railway Administration reserves right to cancel, amend or otherwise modify all or any of the terms of this notification without assigning any reason(s) thereto.
3. Candidates willing to apply for engagement to the post of Nursing Superintendent on contract basis should have a valid registration with Indian Nursing Council or respective State Nursing Council to practice as General Nurse-Midwife at the time of submitting application.
4. Candidates producing the degrees/diplomas/certificates including technical education degrees/diplomas awarded through Open and Distance Learning mode of education by the Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and Institutions of National Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized for the purpose of contractual engagement to posts and services on the Railways provided they have been approved by the University Grants Commission.
5. The “WALK-IN-INTERVIEW” for engagement of Para-Medical Staff as “Nursing Superintendent” is scheduled to be held on 02-09-2019 at 10:00 Hrs. at the Kasturba Gandhi Hospital/CLW/Chittaranjan. Eligible and willing candidates should report at 09:00 Hrs. for preliminary registration of their candidature. No TA/DA/Accommodation will be provided to the candidates attending the interview.
5.1. Similarly, the “WALK-IN-INTERVIEW” for engagement of Para-Medical Staff as “Pharmacist Grade-III” is scheduled to be held on 04-09-2019 at 10:00 Hrs. at the Kasturba Gandhi Hospital/CLW/Chittaranjan. Eligible and willing candidates should report at 09:00 Hrs. for preliminary registration of their candidature. No TA/DA/Accommodation will be provided to the candidates attending the interview.
5.2. If large number of candidates come to appear in the Walk-in-Interview on the above scheduled dates, then the Interview may be extended to next working day as per necessity. So the candidates should make their own arrangements for stay in case of Walk-in-Interview continues for next day. No fresh application will be entertained on the second day for the purpose of registration and appearing in the Walk-in-Interview as well.

6. Eligible and willing candidates must bring two recent passport size photographs(one to be affixed on the application form) and the original academic, professional qualification certificates, Certificate indicating the Date of Birth, Internship Certificate & Registration Certificate(wherever applicable), Certificate of Experience, “No Objection Certificate(NOC)” from the current employer, Caste Certificate, in support of getting reservation as SC/OBC candidates, issued by the State Revenue Authorities in the prescribed format. In case of OBC candidates, current Non-Creamy layer certificate has to be submitted. The reservation under EWS will be applicable to those candidates who are not covered under the reservation scheme for SCs/STs/OBCs. Further, the benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority in the prescribed format, as notified by the Government of India. One additional copy of all the testimonials should be brought by the candidates, duly attested by the Gazetted Officer or selfattested.
7. Candidates are advised to use the application format to be provided at the time of reporting on the day of “WALK-IN-INTERVIEW” as scheduled at Para-5 & Para-5.1 above. Any modification in the prescribed application format or incomplete application or unsigned application or unregistered application or application without required enclosures(as mentioned at para-6 above) will not be entertained and liable to be summarily rejected.

Walk in Interview scheduled to be held on 04-09-2019 at 10:00 Hrs. at the Kasturba Gandhi Hospital/CLW/Chittaranjan.

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