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Walk in interview for Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow at IARI

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The journey of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), popularly known as Pusa Institute, began in 1905 at Pusa (Bihar) with the generous grant of 30,000 pounds from an American philanthropist, Mr. Henry Phipps. The institute was then known as Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) which functioned with five departments, namely Agriculture, Cattle Breeding, Chemistry, Economic Botany and Mycology. Bacteriology unit was added in 1907.  The name of ARI was changed to Imperial Institute of Agricultural Research in 1911 and, in 1919 it was renamed as Imperial Agricultural Research Institute. Following a devastating earth quake on 15th January 1934, the institute was shifted to Delhi on 29th July 1936. Post independence, the institute has been renamed as Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI).

Recruitment of Senior Research Fellow purely on contractual basis in the National Agricultural Science Fund (NASF)-ICAR funded project on “Epigenomics of Drought Acclimatization and Stress Memory in Rice”

Research Associate

Emoluments : Rs. 40,000 + HRA (30%) per month (As per ICAR OM No. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD Dated: 13/07/2015) Rs. 38,000 + 30% HRA per month for M. Sc. Degree holder.

Qualification(s) :
Ph. D. in Biochemistry/ Biotechnology / Genetics & Plant Breeding / Botany / Life Sciences. OR M. Sc. / M. Tech. in Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Genetics & Plant Breeding/ Botany / Bioinformatics / Life Sciences with thesis research program, 60% marks and two years of research experience.
M. Sc./M. Tech. should have completed 4/5 years bachelor’s degree. Those with 3 years bachelor’s degree must have UGC/CSIR/ICAR NET qualification or equivalent.
For the details of minimum qualifications, please refer to ICAR Memorandum N. F.No. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD dated: 13/07/2015 and F.No. Agri. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD dated: 09/10/2015.

Desirable: Research experience, published research paper in Genomics/ Epigenomics/Molecular Biology & Biotechnology.

Note: The candidate would require to work both at IARI, New Delhi and IISER, Pune (to be visited frequently) under a scientific collaborative research initiative on histone modification studies.

Senior Research Fellow

Emoluments : Rs. 25,000 + HRA (30%) per month for I & II year; and Rs. 28,000 + HRA (30%) for III year (As per ICAR OM No. Edn./6/27/2014/ HRD Dated: 13/07/2015)

Qualification(s) :
Essential: Master’s degree in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/ Genetics & Plant Breeding/ Botany/Bioinformatics/Life Sciences with thesis research program and 4/5 years bachelor’s degree. Those with 3 years bachelor’s degree must have UGC/CSIR/ICAR NET qualification or equivalent

Desirable: Research experience Genomics/Epigenomics/Molec ular Biology & Biotechnology.

Terms & Conditions
(i) Age limit: Maximum age is 35 years for Semi-skilled and SRF, 40 years for RA (age relaxation of five years for women).
(ii) The posts are purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis initially up to 31st March 2019, but may be extended further based on the performance of the candidate or till the termination of the project whichever is earlier
(iii) The candidate shall not claim regular appointment at this Institute, as the positions are co-terminus with the project.

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(iv) The interview of eligible candidates will be held on the specified date and time only.
(v) Reporting time: Half-an-hour before the start of the interview. Venue: Auditorium,
Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi 110012.
(vi) The candidates will have to compulsorily bring the filled in application form (as per
the format annexed), all the original certificates from matriculation onwards, date of birth
certificate, NET/equivalent certificate, degree certificate either original or provisional and
one set of the self-attested photocopies of all the required certificates from matriculation
onwards and an attested copy of recent passport size photograph pasted onto the application form. Proof of experience and publications also need to be submitted.
(vii) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
(viii) Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be entertained for the interview.
(ix) Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination.
(x) The candidate is required to submit the application at the time of interview as per the format annexed along with the declaration.
(xi) The candidate intending to visit for interview, if any of his close relative is an
employee of the ICAR/IARI, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties,
relationship in writing so as to reach by 30th August, 2018 ( If on the date of interview such declaration is furnished and found that his relative is an employee of ICAR/IARI, such candidate will not be allowed for interview.
(xii) All the other candidates are also required compulsorily to furnish the declaration duly signed in the format annexed and submit on the date of interview.
(xiii) The candidates have to strictly submit the form annexed (typed/ filled) duly signed and submit on the date of interview.
(xiv) The selected (SRFs and RA) candidates will have to submit medical fitness certificate on joining.

Research Associate
Date: 06th September, 2018
Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: Auditorium Division of Biochemistry

Senior Research Fellow
Date: 06th September, 2018
Time: 02:00 PM
Venue: Auditorium Division of Biochemistry

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