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Walk in interview for Senior Research Fellow at PGIMER

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow in DBT funded project entitled “To study the role levels and balance of VEGF-165 and VEGF-165b in healthy and pathological angiogenesis conditions in retina” under Dr. Nirbhai Singh, Assist. Professor, Advanced Eye Centre, PGIMER, as per details given below:-

Post: Senior Research Fellow - 01 position

Essential Qualification:
Masters in Life Sciences; Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology with 2 years Research Experience.

Upper Age limit: 30 years (Relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH/Women candidate as per Gov of India rules).

Desirable: Preference will be given to candidates with National Level Research Fellowship (CSIR-UGC /ICMR- JRF/DBT-JRF/DST- INSPIRE etc.).

Remuneration: 28000+20% HRA (as per DBT Rules).


The engagement in the DBT project is purely on temporary basis, maximum for the period of 3 years or duration of the project. However, appointment will initially be offered for a period of one year and will be extended on yearly basis depending upon satisfactory performance and co-terminus with the project. The appointment can be terminated by either side by giving one month’s notice OR stipend thereof.

Interested Candidates are required to submit their application along with detailed bio-data duly signed and enclosing photocopies of certificates/testimonials in support of date of birth, qualification/ experience etc. to the undersigned office, latest by August 23rd, 2017 till 3.00 pm. The interview will be held on August 24th, 2017 at 3.30pm in 130 Conference Room, Advanced Eye Centre, PGIMER Chandigarh. Candidates are required to bring original certificates/testimonials in support of date of birth, qualification/ experience.

No separate letters will be sent for interview and no TA/DA will be paid.

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