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Vacancy for the post of RA, Microbiologist, Project Assistant under an ICMR Project in NJIL&OMD

Clinical research courses

The following posts are to be filled through walk in written test/interview on 09.09.2016 at 9:00 a.m. for different projects running in National JALMA Institute for Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, Agra. The advertised posts are purely temporary for a fixed duration and with fixed emoluments. The staff selected on the posts will not be regularized or NJIL/ICMR/Govt. will not be liable for any regularization on the regular posts advertised in due course. The appointment can be terminated any time even before the end of the contract period due to any reason. The candidate can leave the job prematurely giving one month’s notice or one month’s salary in lieu of the same.

Outreach programme on zoonotic diseases
Name of the post : Research Associate 1 Post (SC)
Qualification : Essential qualification: Ph.D in the relevant subject Or Master's degree in the relevant subject with 4 years / 5 years of Bachelor's degree having 1st division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average, with at least two years of research experience as evidenced from Fellowship/ Associateship /Training/ other engagements as circulated vide F.No. 2-9/2012- HRD dated 25.04.2014.
Age : Not more than 35 years as on closing date of application
Emoluments : Ph.D qualification: Rs.38,000.00 +HRA per month. M.Sc qualification: Rs.36,000.00 +HRA per month.

Multicentric trial to study the effect of early...Claw hand
Name of the post : Research Associate 1 Post (OBC)
Qualification : Essential: Masters of Physiotherapy in Ortho (MPT. Ortho) Desirable: Experience in Physiotherapy in a hospital
Age : Not more than 35 years as on closing date of application
Emoluments : Rs.27,945.00 fixed per month

Name of the post : Technician (Physiotherapy) 1 Post (UR)
Qualification : Essential: Batchlors Degree in Physiotherapy (BPT) Desirable: Experience in Physiotherapy in a hospital
Age : Not more than 28 years as on closing date of application
Emoluments : Rs. 16,560.00 fixed per month

Strengthening of Mycobacterial repository for translational research Phase-II
Name of the post : Microbiologist 01 Post (OBC)
Qualification :Essential: MD (Microbiology) or M. Sc in Life Science with Ph.D from a recognized University. Desirable: Additional post doctoral research/ teaching experience in microbiology in recognized Institute(s) Experience in My cobacteriology with Research publication
Age : Not more than 40 years as on closing date of application
Emoluments : Rs45,000/- Fixed per month

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Evaluation of in-vitro and ex-vivo anti-mycobacterial activity of selected plants traditionally used in tribal medicine against MDR Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates and their active fractions investigation
Name of the post : Project Assistant (RA)- UR
Qualification : Essential: Graduate in Science in required subjects (Life Sciences/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry) from a recognized University with one year DMLT course. OR Graduate in Science in required subjects (Life Sciences/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry) with one year relevant experience in the lower grade. OR Graduate in Science in required subjects (Life Sciences/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry) with one year field/lab experience from a recognized Institution. Desirable: Candidates having Master Degree in Life Sciences/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry with experience in related areas will be treated as additional qualification.
Age : Not more than 30 years as on closing date of application
Emoluments : Rs.27,945.00 fixed per month

General Instructions:
1-These are purely contractual posts and as such they will not have any claim whatsoever for regularization in the ICMR; NJIL&OMD; and any other Government organization.
2. The mere fulfillment of requisite essential qualification/experience does not guarantee selection.
3. Candidates must bring along all relevant documents in original and one set of photocopied and self-attested copies of the same and one recent passport size recent photograph during the time of written test/interview.
4. During the project tenure as well as on its termination, the ICMR and/or the NJIL&OMD will have no legal liabilities relating of staff.
5. Performance will be assessed on a regular basis/frequent intervals.
6. Contract can be terminated at any time based on the performance of the staff.
7. Candidates will have to submit an affidavit at the time of joining that they will accept all the general instructions & terms and conditions related to the post.
8. No TA/DA will be paid neither for appearing in the written test/interview nor for joining the assignment.
9.  The candidate’s place of posting can be changed at any time and to any place of work within the project and as per the need of the project anywhere within India.
10.Qualifications and degree should be from recognized Institution/ University

Walk in Written Test/lnterview On 09.09.2016 at NJIL&OMD, AGRA 9:00 a.m.

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