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Career as Pharmacist in Aliah University



Clinical research courses

Aliah University, an autonomous Minority Institution of Higher Learning under the Department of Minority Affairs & Madrasah Education, Govt. of West Bengal, invites applications from Indian citizens having knowledge in Islamic Culture, for appointment to the following unreserved posts of the University:

Post: Pharmacist

S.No.: 12

No.of post: 01

Pay Band & Grade Pay Rs.: Rs.8,420/- 25,400/- with Grade Pay Rs. 4,100/-

Classification: Group- C

Scale of pay (Grade Pay, Band Pay): Rs.8,420/- 25,400/- with Grade Pay Rs. 4,100/-

Age limit for direct recruits: Age below 40 years as on 31.08.2015

Period of Probation, If any: 2 years

Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits: Essential B. Pharm. with 1 yr of experience in Govt./ Private Hospital or D. Pharm. with 3 yr of experience in Govt./ Private Hospital.

Additional Information:
1. To apply for any post of Officers/ Non-teaching Staff the candidate must, desirably, have the basic knowledge of Islamic culture and civilization.
2. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. The University reserves the right to screen applications based on academic attainments and shortlist who may/will be interviewed.
3. If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then the authority under which it has been so treated must be indicated and document(s) must be produced.
4. The age relaxation for OBC / PH candidates is 3 years.
5. Age of the candidate applying for any category will be counted as on 31.08.2015.
6. Stipulations in respect of Experience and Age may be relaxed in case of exceptionally brilliant candidates on the recommendation of the relevant Selection Committee.
7. In case of employees of the University who are found to be suitable for the post of Officers / Non teaching Staff of the University, the prescribed qualifications & Age for 5 years may be relaxed or waived.
8. Candidates already in employment should apply through proper channel.
9. Appointments will be made on probation for two year or till such time as will be decided by the University. It may be waived or extended in exceptional cases and will be guided by the rules as framed and /or amended from time to time. During or at the end of the period of probation, the services of the concerned Officers/ Non-teaching Staff may be terminated with one month’s notice or with one month’s salary in lieu thereof, without assigning any reason thereof. On satisfactory completion of the probationary period the concerned incumbent will be considered for being confirmed in service.
10. Service conditions as notified by orders of the M.A. & M.E. Department, Govt. of West Bengal from time to time will be applicable.
11. No applications shall be considered after the last date. However, application sent through Government Post stamped on or before the last date of submission of application form shall be accepted by the University.
12. No telephonic enquiries or requests shall be entertained.
13. Candidates should clearly note that the University will in no case be responsible for non-receipt of their applications due to postal delays.
14. University shall not be responsible for delay in receipt of interview letters / offer letters due to postal delay or on any other account whatsoever. However, applicants are encouraged to provide Mobile Nos. and E-mail addresses so that the University can contact them at short notice. Necessary information regarding short-listing of candidates, interview dated etc. shall be uploaded on the University’s website from time to time.
15. No application received after the prescribed last date will be entertained under any circumstances and all the applications will be summarily rejected.
16. Candidates can also deliver their applications personally at the University Office against proper receipt. The University will not be responsible for the applications delivered to any other functionary of the university.
17. Candidates are requested to super scribe the words “Application for the post of …………..……..” as the case may be, on the top of the envelop, while sending the application forms.
18. The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part-time basis or contractual or temporary basis will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for short listing the candidates for Officers category for interview.
19. Incomplete or unsigned applications or applications without photograph, fee will be rejected.
20. If in any category the number of applications received in response to the advertisement is large and will not be convenient / possible for the University to call all the candidates for interview, the University reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to a reasonable limit by considering qualifications higher than the minimum qualifications laid down by the University/UGC/AICTE.
21. The method of short listing will be based on objective criteria, but may vary from Category to Category; depending on the number of applicants relative to the posts.
22. Applicants with grade/grade points (C.G.P.A./ D.G.P.A./ S.G.P.A./F .G.P.A. etc.) should write the percentage equivalent according to the formula used by their Boards/Universities /Institutes. Certification from their Boards/Universities /Institutes is required in support of their claim. They will be required to justify their percentage equivalent claimed by them at the time of interview and failure of such thing may even lead to cancellation of their candidature or calculation of the percentage equivalent by the University itself by whatever method it considers.
23. A post may not be filled up if any suitable candidate is not found.
24. No.T.A./D.A. shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.

It is to be noted that all the posts referred to in the Advertisement are University positions and the University reserves the right to assign duties to Officers and other Employees of any particular Department in other Departments or even in other campuses of the University to meet emergency situations.

Separate application for each post applied, along with an A/c payee Demand Draft of Rs. 5,00/- (Rs. 300/- for PD candidates) for Sl. No.1 to 5 per post and Rs. 300/- (Rs. 200/- for PD candidates) for Sl. No.6 to 21 per post drawn in favour of Registrar, Aliah University payable at Kolkata must reach the Registrar, Aliah University, Action Area-IIA/27, New Town, Kolkata- 700 156 on or before 31th August, 2015 within 5 p.m.


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