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Vacancy for Project Associate at CSIR-HRDC

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Vacancy for Project Associate at CSIR HRDC

Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Ghaziabad is a central training establishment of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) under Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The centre is engaged in training, grooming and augmenting capabilities of Scientists, technologists, technical, and administrative staff of CSIR constituents. CSIR-HRDC is also the nodal agency for CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative programme to facilitate implementation of the skill development activities across all the CSIR laboratories located pan India.

Applications are invited from qualified candidates (Indian nationals) who meet the necessary educational and work requirements to work on project titled “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative programme” (NWP100). The engagement is purely on temporary and contract basis. The engagement shall be initially up to 31st March 2024 and maximum until 31st March 2025, i.e., co-terminus with the project. The extension of tenure of any project staff beyond 31 March 2024 will be subject to review by a Review Committee at the end of the year or earlier, as deemed necessary.

Project Associate-I (01 post)
Code : SDP001
Qualification and Desirable skills : Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent.
Monthly emoluments :
(i) Rs. 31,000/- plus HRA to Scholars who are selected through
(a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or
(b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions
(ii) Rs. 25,000/- plus HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above
Upper Age Limit : 35 years as on the last date of receipt of applications.

Project Associate-II (01 post)
Code : SDP002
Qualification and Desirable skills : (i) Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Two years experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organisations and Scientific activities and services.
Monthly emoluments :  (i) Rs. 35,000/- plus HRA to Scholars who are selected through
(a) National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions
(ii) Rs. 28,000/- plus HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above
Upper Age Limit : 35 years as on the last date of receipt of applications.

Senior Project Associate
Code : SDP003
Qualification and Desirable skills :
(i) Master’s Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Four years experience in Research and Development (R&D) in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology (S&T) Organisations and Scientific activities and services
ME / MTech in Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or equivalent with two years experience in R&D in Industrial and Academic Institutions or S&T Organisations and Scientific activities and services OR Doctoral Degree in Science / Engineering / Technology / Pharma / MD / MS from a recognized University or equivalent.
Monthly emoluments : (i) Rs. 42,000/- plus HRA.
Upper Age Limit : 40 years as on the last date of receipt of applications

*Panel of waitlisted candidates will be constituted to fill vacancies in near future. Such panel will be valid for one year from date of notification of result, or until project completion, whichever is earlier.

Posting location : Ghaziabad
Desirable experience : Post Graduate Diploma in Management Candidates having theoretical or practical knowledge in the area of organising training and development programmes would be preferred.
Job Requirement : The selected candidates will have to work on the project “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative.” The candidates should have a database management and proficiency in MS-Excel, good documentation, technical report writing and communication skills with proficiency in applicable languages.

General Instructions
1. Prescribed format for application is available with advertisement. You are requested to send the application form fixed passport size giving full particulars such as (1) Full name and postal address with e-mail and Phone No., (2) Date of birth and (3) Educational qualifications and experience (if any). You are also requested to send all the documents such as birth certificate, caste certificate, educational qualifications certificates, experience (if any) certificate, publications (if any), documents related to National Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and institutions for the above posts.
2. Incomplete applications or applications received through any other mode will not be accepted.
3. The candidates are required to fill all the details related to their educational qualification, experience etc.
4. The applications received will be screened through a committee and the selected candidates will be called for the interview.
5. The date and time of the interview will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through email. Do visit our website regularly for the updates in this regard. [Website :]
6. The candidates must bring with them original certificates/ testimonials at the time of interview along with two copies of self-attested photographs and a set of self-attested copies of certificates/ testimonials in support of age, qualification, marks obtained, experience, if any, etc. The candidates must also bring a copy of their bio-data neatly typed on A4 paper.
7. The candidates belonging to statutory categories must bring their original certificate of categories to which they belong issued by the competent authority (along with self- attested copies of the same).
8. If currently employed, then the candidate will have to furnish no-objection certificate from the current employer at the time of joining.

1. Mere fulfilling of minimum qualification does not confer any right to a candidate for being called for interview.
2. Candidates who are in the final semester or whose results are awaited will not be eligible for above mentioned positions.
3. Candidature will be purely provisional subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview.
5. Tenure of engagement of the Project Staff shall be co-terminus with the project. In any case, under no circumstances the tenure (inclusive of all CSIR postings) would be allowed to exceed the duration. The performance of the Project Staff would be reviewed periodically so that one not found up to the mark, could be terminated without assigning any reason.
6. The engagement which is on contract basis in respect of all above positions will confer no rights on the candidates, whatsoever, implicitly and/ or explicitly for their continuation beyond tenure/absorption/ regularization in CSIR. Contract may be terminated at any time at a notice of one month from either side or one-month stipend in lieu thereof.
7. Project staff would be governed by the Guidelines relating to engagement of project staff in CSIR Projects including NMITLI projects, OLP/MLP, Contract R&D and non- CSIR funded Projects issued by CSIR vide OM No. 4/CMG/2020-TMDII dated 13 August 2020 and 09 March 2021.
8. The project staff may be required to travel as per need.
9. The age limit is relaxable for candidates of statutory groups as per CSIR/Govt. of India instructions on the subject.
10. Head, CSIR-HRDC reserves the right to increase/ decrease the number of positions and also cancel the recruitment process for the positions mentioned above at any stage of the recruitment process.
11. The decision of the Head, CSIR-HRDC will be final and binding for engagement of above positions.
12. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified.

Candidates who fulfil the above criteria may submit the duly filled Application form to the below address :
CSIR-Human Resource Development Centre
Sector -19, Central Govt. Enclave, Kamla Nehru Nagar
Ghaziabad- 201002 (UP) India

The last date of receipt of applications is on or before 08th May, 2023 5:00PM

Application Form & More Info

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