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Walk in interview for Pharmacist at ESIC Hospital

Clinical research courses

Walk in interview for Pharmacist at ESIC Hospital

Employees State Insurance Corporation of India is an integrated social security system tailored to provide social protection to workers,immediate dependent or family, in the organised sector, in contingencies, such as, sickness, maternity and death or disablement due to an employment injury or occupational hazard. The ESI Scheme is mainly financed by contributions raised from employees covered under the scheme and their employers, as a fixed percentage of wages.

Post : Homeopathy Pharmacist (Part Time) - 01 (UR)

Educational Qualification : -
1. 12th Class passed with Science stream from a recognized Board and;
2. Diploma or Certificate course in Homoeopathy Pharmacy of at least one-year duration from a Central or State Government recognized institution.
Desirable qualification:-
1. Basic Knowledge of computer.

Note-1 - Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Competent Authority in case of candidates otherwise well qualified. Note-2 - The qualification(s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at the discretion of the Competent Authority in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection, the Competent Authority is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them. Age: Between 18 and 25 years. (Relaxation as per rule for SC/ST/OBC)

Emoluments:- Rs. 23,117/- per month (Consolidated). (5 hrs. per day, 6 days a week)
Details of Application fee:- Rs. 250/-(Rupees two hundred and fifty) only for UR/OBC candidates by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of ESI Fund Account No. 1 payble at SBI, IIM Joka Branch, Kolkata. SC/ST/Female/PWD applicants are exempted from Application Fee.

Date and Time of the Interview
Date : 27.04.2021
Registration Timing : 10:00-11:00
Interview Timing : 11: 30 onwards

Documents to be submitted
1. Application form complete in all respects.
2. Two passport size Photographs.
3. Two set of self attested copies of the following documents along with the originals for verification :-
(a) Proof of Date of Birth (Birth certificate/Matriculation certificate).
(b) SSC/10th and 12th Standard Certificate or equivalent.
(c) Certificates for qualifications.
(d) Registration with the concerned Medical Council/Pharmacy Council of State Govt. Registration.
(e) Caste certificate^ required).

Application Form & More Info>>

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