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Vacancy for Scientist at C-DAC | Government of India Job

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Vacancy for Scientist at C-DAC

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), is a scientific society of the Department of Information Technology under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. C-DAC has today emerged as a premier R&D organization in ICT&E (Information, Communications Technologies and Electronics) in the country, working on strengthening national technological capabilities in the context of global developments in the field and responding to change in the market need in selected foundation areas. C-DAC represents a unique facet working in close junction with DeitY to implement nation's policy and pragmatic interventions and initiatives in Information Technology.


C-DAC's areas of expertise range from R&D work in ICT&E Technologies to Product Development, IP Generation, Technology Transfer and Deployment of Solutions. Primary Thematic or Thrust Areas addressed by C-DAC are:
• High Performance Computing and Grid & Cloud Computing
• Multilingual Computing & Heritage Computing
• Professional Electronics, VLSI & Embedded Systems
• Software Technologies including FOSS
• Cyber Security & Cyber Forensics
• Health Informatics
• Education & Training

Applications are invited (online only) for Adjunct Scientist (ADS) scheme from motivated and experienced researchers for doing research in C-DAC interest areas in following disciplines:
Discipline-1 : Computer Science/Information Technology and Allied disciplines.
Discipline-2 : Electronics Communications / Electrical / Telecommunication / Instrumentation & Control / Medical Electronics / Power Electronics / VLSI & Embedded System and Allied disciplines    
Discipline-3 : Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Health informatics / Geoinformatics / Meteorology / Environmental Science / Ocean Sciences / Oceanography / Environmental Engineering

Who will be eligible to apply?
• The applicant should be preferably an India citizen. However, in case of the individual nominated by an institute or organization with whom C-DAC has formal collaboration in place may also apply.
• A Ph.D. in the broad areas of Scientific & Technical fields preferably in the disciplines  in which C-DAC is pursuing Research/project from a reputed Indian or foreign University.
• Ten years of relevant experience after completion of Ph.D.
• Upper age limit - 57 years at the time of the submission of application.
What is the nature of Engagement?
This engagement is purely meant for academic /research purpose and on contract basis.
It is temporary, and is tenable initially for a period upto 2 years and extendable for a further period of not more than one year on need basis. Hence, the total duration including the extended period will not exceed 3 years.

How to Apply? 
It’s an ongoing/rolling advertisement. The application needs to be submitted online on C-DAC website, anytime of the year, supported by a detailed academic CV including a complete list of publications, a statement of research interests etc. you may click on the following link and submit your application.

What is the criteria for selection?
• The selection will be based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee that will be constituted by the respective Competent Authority with the approval of Director General from time to time. If required, the applicants/candidates may be called for personal discussion.
• A mere fulfillment of required minimum qualifications and experience does not entitle a candidate to be called for discussion.
• C-DAC reserves the right to fill or not to fill the requirements advertised.
• The candidates called for presentation/discussion will be paid travel expenses at actuals limited to AC II-Tier Rail fare by the shortest route within India.


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