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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Jalgaon Municipal Corporation

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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Jalgaon Municipal Corporation

Jalgaon Municipal Corporation was founded in 21 march. 2003 & Smt.Ashatai Kolhe has become a first Leady Mayor of Jalgaon Municipal Corporation History. Jalgaon Municipal Corporation serves an area approximately 68.78 & provides civil services & facilities around the 4.60 Lacks people.

The posts mentioned in below are to be filled on a seasonal basis for a period of 6 months on a monthly honorarium for covid care center / hospitals / dispensaries on the background of corona virus under the hospital department of Jalgaon Municipal Corporation. 

Qualification : B.Pharm/D.Pharm; Pharmacy Council Registration
Salary : Rs 17000/- Pm

Terms and Conditions:
Considering the situation, there is a situation of lockdown in the entire state and no means of travel are available.  Also, there are some restrictions on travel. Therefore, local candidates will be considered for the above mentioned posts.  Interested and eligible candidates should attend the direct interview on any of the following days at the prescribed time along with the application and all the required documents / certificates (including original and shaded copies).  
Date : 15/04/2021 Thursday 11:00 am to 01:00 pm  
Place of Interview : - Office of the Chief Medical Officer, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Sanalaya Shah Nagar Jalgaon City Municipal Corporation, Jalgaon
Note :  Direct interviews will be held every Thursday of every week from 11.00 am to 01.00 am If there is an administrative holiday on Thursday, the next day (Friday) Will be taken on.


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