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Vacancy for Pharmacist at Indian Institute of Technology

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Pharmacist at Indian Institute of Technology

Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee is among the foremost of institutes of national importance in higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research. Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing the technical manpower and know-how to the country and in pursuit of research. The Institute ranks amongst the best technological institutions in the world and has contributed to all sectors of technological development. It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research in the field of science, technology, and engineering.

Pharmacist (Group C)
Specialization of post : Hospital Services
Pay Level : Level - 5 Rs.29200- 92300
Age Limit : 18-27 years

Minimum qualification and experience
(i) 10+2 or equivalent with Science Stream.
(ii) Diploma or Degree in Pharmacy granted by an Institution of the Central/State Govt, or an Institution recognized by the Central or State Govt.
(iii) Should be registered as a “Pharmacist” under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Important Instruction to the Candidates
(A) The candidates applying for the posts should ensure themselves that they fulfill all eligibility conditions with respect to qualification requirements, age criteria, caste certificate etc. for admission to examination. Their admission at Tier-I Screening and Short-listing examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of call letter-cum-admit card and appearance or qualifying the screening test will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Institute for Tier-II second examination. The Institute will take up verification of minimum eligibility conditions with reference to original documents, only for the candidates who have been shortlisted for the second level examination.
(B)  Date for determining the eligibility of all candidates in every respect shall be according to the prescribed closing date for submission of the online applications. The applicants are advised to fill all their particulars in the online application carefully.

General Instructions to the Candidates
1.  The candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty only) for each post through online portal at the link, No fee is required from IIT Roorkee regular employees, SC/ST candidates, Divyang (Persons with Disabilities) candidates and women candidates.
2. The candidates applying for more than one post, additional fee @ Rs. 250/- per post will be paid for each post.
3. The candidates are required to apply through On-Line mode only. The On-line option will remain open from April 12, 2021 to May 11, 2021. Link will automatically disable at 11:59:59 PM (1ST) on last date.
4. The relaxation in age are as under:-
a)  The maximum age limit will be considered on the closing date for submission of the on-line application (i.e. May 11, 2021). The relaxation of 05 years to SC/ST candidates and 03 years to OBC candidates with additional 10 years age relaxation to Divyang (Persons with Disabilities) candidates will be given in accordance with the Government of India rules. Relaxation in upper age limit for those applicants, who are in Central Government or Central Government Autonomous body, Ex-Serviceman, shall be admissible as per the Government of India rules. Further, the Institute may consider relaxation in upper age limit in case of highly experienced and deserving candidates.
b) The age preferably below 55 years will be admissible for the persons working in IIT Roorkee (a) on contract on fixed monthly emoluments selected through open advertisement & duly constituted Selection Committee and have requisite educational qualification/experience, (b) persons working on Compassionate Ground on fixed monthly emoluments, (c) Y-pool Workers.
c) Regular employees of other IITs or CFTIs who are educationally qualified can be considered for recruitment upto a maximum of 50 years of age.
d) Certificate in support of experience should be given by appropriate authority clearly mentioning the period of work done and nature of work.

5. All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
6. Preference will be given to ‘Persons with Disabilities (Divyang)’, even where the reservation is not marked and suitable Divyang applicants are available.
7. Incomplete applications/without relevant supporting enclosures/without prescribed fee will be rejected.
8. Interim correspondence will not be entertained and replied to.
9.  Persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs, should upload NOC and vigilance clearance also while applying on-line along with all other relevant supporting documents duly self attested, failing which such persons shall be required to produce NOC and vigilance clearance at the time of appearing in the Job- oriented test (Written).
10. For availing the benefits of Other Backward Classes, the candidates are required to produce the latest OBC non-creamy layer certificate on the prescribed proforma applicable for appointment to the posts of Central Government.
11. The numbers of posts are tentative and may vary.
12. The Institute reserves the right to relax any of the advertised conditions in case of deserving candidates.
13. Candidates are advised to mention their correct and active e-mail address in the application, as all the correspondence like issuance of call letter or any other information will be communication through e- mail only.
14. In case any mistake in selection process is detected, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidates.
15. Institute reserves the right to fill up the post, not to fill up the posts or cancel the advertisement in whole or partly without assigning any reason. The Institute will also reserve the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for Job-oriented test (written test). Fulfillment of essential qualifications per-se does not entitle a candidate to be called for test. The decision of the Institute in this regard will be final.
16. The selected candidate may be posted to any campus of the Institute (Main Campus, Saharanpur Campus and Greater Noida Extension Centre Campus).
17. Being other things are equal the eligible applicants for the post mentioned at Sl.No. 6 to 9 belonging to the region around Roorkee and Saharanpur will be given preference, for which they have to attach an attested copy of domiciles certificate of that area.
18. Selection process shall have two tier tests. Tier-I will consist of the objective type written examination for screening and short-listing. It will comprise of English Language (Basic knowledge), General Awareness, Logical Reasoning, Basic Arithmetic and Quantitative Aptitude.
19. Tier-II at the second level examination for the shortlisted candidates will be in the form of job-oriented written test and/or typing test on Computer (Hindi and English), as applicable, corresponding to job description of corresponding posts. Merit list for final selection will be made only on the basis of qualifying marks obtained in Tier-II examination.
20. In case of any dispute, the decision of Director, I.I.T Roorkee shall be final.

The On-line option will remain open from April 12, 2021 to May 11, 2021

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