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Pharma Jobs at CIAB, Ministry of Science and Technology

Clinical research courses

Vacancies for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc at Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing

Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB) is an autonomous national institute under Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of India). This futuristic innovation institute of its own kind in the country has a mission of advancing knowledge, leads and emerging technologies/processes relevant to agri-food sector towards applications and products. It aims to link them with societal benefits through catalysing/promoting entrepreneurial action around bioprocesses, bio-products, value-addition to bioproducts etc. with special reference to the agri-food sector. Currently, the four major mandated R&D areas in hand at the institute are (A) Value Addition to Primary Processing Residues/ Wastes for Edible Products; (B) Valorisation of Crop Waste for Speciality Products and Chemicals; (C) Nutritionals, nutraceuticals and upgradation of value or use of bio-products, (D) Biosynthetic technology/synthetic biology for low volume-high value products and industrial enzymes.


Junior Research Fellow (Chemical / Nano Science) - One position
Age limit – 28 Years
Fellowship – Rs. 31,000/- per month + (16% HRA or Hostel facility, if available)
Tenure : One Year, extendable on annual basis for subsequent years subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs and financial provisions.
Qualifications : (i) M.Sc. in Chemistry (any discipline) / Biochemistry from a recognized University / Institute OR M. Pharm. / M.S. (Pharm.) / M. Tech. in Medicinal Chemistry / Process Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Technology / Biotechnology from a recognized University/Institute; (ii) NET / GATE / GPAT / any other relevant equivalent nature of test qualified.

Research Associate (Chemical Engineering) - CIAB – One position
Age limit – 35 Years
Fellowship – Rs. 47,000/- per month + (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
Tenure : One Year, extendable (post-evaluation) for subsequent years subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs and financial provisions.
Qualifications : Ph.D in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology with B.E./B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology from a recognized University/Institute having at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal. OR M.E./M.Tech. in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology with B.E./B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology from a recognized University/Institute having three years of experience in industry/research/teaching. The candidate should have at least one research paper published in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Assignment – To perform pilot plant operation using 10L/h capacity set up, process simulations, techno-economic calculations, life-cycle assessment and carbon mapping to develop the process for agri-waste biomass to value-added chemicals.

Project Fellow (COVID Project) – One Position
Age limit – 28 Years
Fellowship – Rs. 12,000/- per month + (16% HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)
Tenure : Upto 08-07-2021.
Qualifications*: M.Sc. in Chemistry from a recognized University / Institute OR M. Tech. in Nanotechnology from a recognized University/Institute.
* Students appearing/appeared in final year exam can apply for the post of Project Fellow (COVID Project at Sr. No. 4) subject to production of degree completion certificate at the time of joining.


Junior Research Fellow – One position
Project Title – “Setting up of Secondary Agriculture/ Food Processing Entrepreneurial Network in Punjab”.
Funded By – BIRAC (Govt. of India)
Principal Investigator – Dr. Sudesh Kumar, Scientist-F, CIAB
Duration of the project – Upto 28-05-2021
Fellowship – Rs. 25,000/- + (16% HRA or Hostel Facility, if available) per month
Age limit – 28 Years
Qualifications – (i) M.Sc. in Life Sciences (Biology/Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Microbiology) or M.E. / M.Tech. (Biotechnology) from a recognized University / Institute and (ii) NET / GATE / any other relevant equivalent nature of test qualified.

Application Procedure
The interested candidates may appear for a Walk-In-Interview on 22-04-2021 along with the application form available on the website The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of the registration from 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM on 22-04-2021. The candidates must ascertain their eligibility before applying, as ineligible candidates would not be interviewed.
Process of Engagement
The eligible applicants would be interviewed by a duly constituted committee. The committee would recommend the candidates, if found suitable, for consideration of the competent authority for engagement on purely on Fellowship/Stipendiary basis. Provisions of registration for Ph.D exist at Universities having MoU with CIAB subject to scholar’s tangible performance, promise, academic suitability, etc.

General Conditions
1. Incomplete applications and applications that are not in proper format may be summarily rejected.
2. The above research opportunities are open only to Indian Nationals.
• The applications should be submitted in the prescribed format that can be downloaded from the CIAB website :
• Completed applications along with photocopies of all the relevant educational and experience certificates are to be submitted at the time of registration at Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Sector-81 (Knowledge City), Manauli P.O., S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali - 140306, Punjab from 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM on 22-04-2021.
• All the positions are based at Mohali, Punjab but some works may be assigned to be carried out at outstations also.
• Number of positions may vary.
• Relaxation of age for various categories (including woman candidates) shall be as per rules of DST and other Government of India agencies.
• If in any area no suitable candidate is found, no selection would be made in that case.
• No TA/DA etc. would be paid for attending the walk-in-interview.
• Candidates should bring their original documents for verification and one set of photocopy (for submission) of their all relevant certificates related to education, experience, publications, thesis/dissertations etc. at the time of interview.
• Candidates found eligible after scrutiny of applications post registration, shall be required to appear before a Selection Committee. Kindly note that in case there are substantial number of applicants, the Chief Executive Officer, CIAB reserves the right to devise such criteria as deemed fit to shortlist the candidates for the interview. If required, a written test may also be conducted to short-list candidates. The decision of the CEO, CIAB to conduct a written test shall be final and binding on all in this respect.

Completed applications along with photocopies of all the relevant educational and experience certificates are to be submitted at the time of registration at Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Sector-81 (Knowledge City), Manauli P.O., S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali - 140306, Punjab from 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM on 22-04-2021


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