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RA/SRF Posts at National Institute of Immunology

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Immunology Job

The National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, is a leading research Institute in India with a long-standing reputation for scientific excellence. The institute is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure for pursuing research in immunology and allied sciences. The Institute also imparts vigorous long-term research training leading to a Ph.D degree.

With the recent increase in COVID19 cases, there is a need to scale-up the testing of samples for SARS-CoV-2 infections in the country. National Institute of Immunology (NII), an autonomous institution under Department of Biotechnology (DBT), is currently preparing to start COVID19 testing.

In this context NII are planning to hire four scientific staff with any of the following eligibility criteria
• Recent PhDs who have done PCRs in 96-well or 384 well format, RNA handling, RT-PCR and data analysis;
• Persons who have submitted their PhD thesis and are awaiting thesis defense and/or the award of their degree AND who have done PCRs in 96-well or 384 well format, RNA handling, RT-PCR and data analysis;
• Masters (MSc) or equivalent in any branch of life sciences with atleast three years of lab experience AND having experience inRNA handling and RT-PCR

Remuneration : RAs will be eligible for a salary of Rs. 47,000 per month with applicable HRA. SRFs with NET qualification will be eligible for a salary of Rs. 35,000 per monthwith applicable HRA. Hostel facility (shared occupancy) will be offered to those who want to stay in NII campus. HRA will not be paid if the selected candidate choses to stay in NII campus.

This is a short-term temporary project recruitment (3 months) and is currently being offered immediately, exclusively for working on COVID19 testing. Appointments could be extended for additional limited duration depending on the prevailing circumstances.Interested candidates are requested to send their resume to the following email: by 28th April 2021 midnight. Apart from their CV, applicants must explain in their cover letter (a) how their technical expertise makes them suitable for the job and (b) their motivation for applying for this position.

Shortlisted candidates from the CVs received will be asked to appear for an initial online interview on 29th April and 30th April, 2021, followed by a final interview (online or in person in NII) on 1st May 2021. Selected candidates will have to join by 5th May, 2021, otherwise their selection will be cancelled.

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