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Job opportunity for Pharmacists due to COVID-19 outbreak

Clinical research courses

Job for Pharmacists due to COVID-19 outbreak

Health and Family Welfare Department has created wide network of health and medical care facilities in the state to provide primary, secondary and tertiary health care at the door step of every citizen of Gujarat with prime focus on BPL families and weaker sections in rural/urban slum areas. Department also takes appropriate actions to create adequate educational facilities for medical and paramedical manpower in the state of Gujarat.

Post : Junior Pharmacist

There is a need of paramedical staff for COVID-19 hospitals under Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat. Applications are invited from volunteers for 3 months of period under S.S.G Hospital, GMERS hospital Vadodara.

Qualification : Diploma in Pharmacy
Salary : Rs 18,000/- pm

Candidates who are eligible for the above cadre should apply offline or online at the following address: Medical Superintendent, Office of Medical Superintendent, Jail Road, Vadodara, E-mail: Medical Superintendent, Office of Medical Superintendent, GMERS Gotri, Vadodara, e-mail or Candidate can apply wherever he wants.


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