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Job for Pharmacist at Zilla Parishad

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Job for Pharmacist at Zilla Parishad

The posts are to be filled on contract basis for 11 months at taluka level under National Civil Primary Health Center, Taluka Sillod, District Aurangabad  Accordingly, the aspiring candidates for the following post should submit their application in the office of Taluka Health Officer, Sillod Dist Aurangabad.  Late applications will not be considered under any circumstances.

Post : Pharmacist (NUHM)

No of posts : 01
Qualification :
1) D.Pharm, B.Pharm
Registration with pharmacy council is mandatory.
Salary : Rs 17000/- pm

Terms and Conditions
1) This appointment is purely contractual and will be given till 31/03/2022.  Also, if the Central Government denies the post, the service of the candidates will be terminated without any prior notice. 
2) The applicant should be physically and mentally fit for the post concerned and no criminal case should be registered against the applicant.  
3) The selection process for all the posts in the above table will be based on the number of applications received.  List of Eligible and Disqualified Candidates and other information No correspondence will be made with the candidates on the website.
4) If the applicant wants to apply for more than one party post, he should apply separately and the amount of solicitation (DD) that came with the application will not be refunded.  Candidate should apply on this condition.
5) Applicant should fill in the application form on this paper which should include the following:
a) Application name in bold letters, name of the post, permanent residence address, telephone and mobile number, email id, date of birth, academic qualification, all the details of the course, institution,  Name, year passed, percentage of marks, work experience - Name of the Government / Semi-Government Institution / Hospital worked, Name of the post for which the post has been held, Duration, Responsibility of the post and honorarium, as well as all other information.  
B) S.Sc.  , HSC Certificate and Certificate, School Certificate, Degree Certificate and Certificate, Post Graduate Degree Certificate and Certificate, Aadhar Card / Voting Identity Card, Passport Size photo, Caste Certificate / Caste Validity Certificate.  
C) Candidates who have applied for the post of expert and other technical posts will be required to get the relevant council tax registration certificate and updated re-registration certificate.  Otherwise, the candidate is disqualified.
D) After knowing all the facts along with the application, the name of the post mentioned in the table will be mentioned in the place of the mentioned office.  Aurangabad name should be submitted.
6) Age Limit : - On the day of advertisement, the maximum age limit for the post of Medical and Specialist and the age of termination of service will be 70 years.  The maximum age and termination of service for Nursing and Paramedical Staff will be 65 years. Also, it will be mandatory to submit the medical certificate of the district surgeon who is physically and mentally fit, after which the appointment order will be issued.  The maximum age limit for other posts will be 38 years for open category and 43 years for backward class.  If working in National Health Mission, the age condition of 5 years will be relaxed.  
7) It is mandatory to attach Rs.150 / - for open category and Rs.100 / - for backward category along with the application. It should be noted that the amount of added (DG) cube will not be refunded.Also write your own name on the back of the check (RD), if the wrong name and wrong amount of check (RD) will be disqualified candidate.
8) It should be noted that if the candidates bring any kind of private or political pressure, their interviews or appointments will be canceled.

Last Date : 30th April, 2021 till 05:00 pm

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