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Job for Pharmacist at Eastern Railway

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Job for Pharmacist at Eastern Railway

Eastern Railway was formed on 14th April, 1952 by integration of the East Indian Railway consisting of Sealdah, Howrah, Asansol and Danapur Divisions and the entire Bengal Nagpur Railway. Later on, the portion of BNR stretching from Howrah to Visakhapatnam in the South.

Post : Pharmacist - 02 Posts

Applications are invited from retired Railway para-medical staff below 65 years of age for the following posts in Asansol Division indicated against each category.

The following terms and conditions are to be noted:-
a) Railway staff retired from Asansol Division of Eastern Railway can only apply. Last date of application is 27-04-2021. Screening Test will be done on 30.04.2021.
The re engagement shall be strictly up to the age of 65 years i.c. only these who born on or after 01.10.1956 are eligible. The re-engaged staff may be discontinued on availability of regular candidates from RRBs/transfer or on receipt of any direction from Competent Authority, whichever is earlier.
The engagement of retired Railway staff is purely on temporary basis up to 30.09.2021, or availability of regular incumbent or till further order is received from Railway Board, whichever is earlier.
d) On joining of selected candidates from RRB/transfer, senior most re-engaged employees in terms of age will be dis-engaged first.
e) If any adverse report is given against the re-engaged employee during re-engagement by the Controlling Authority, then re-engaged employee will be dis-engaged forthwith without any prior notice.

f) Applicants should not have been Removed/Dismissed/Compulsorily retired from Rly. Service as a measure of punishment or voluntarily retired from Railway service.
g) Re-engagement shall be subject to prescribed medical fitness for the category in which they are re-engaged.
h) Suitability / Competency of the applicant shall be adjudged by nominated committee before re-engagement
i) Monthly remuneration of a retired employee being re-engaged will be determined by reducing Pension from his/her last pay drawn (i.e. Basic Pay + DA.). Payment will be made strictly on no-work- no-pay basis.

j) The duty hours of the re-engaged employees would be as prescribed by Competent Authority as per the working conditions of the category.
k) Applicant should be willing to work anywhere in Asansol Division.
i) Applications should be submitted at E/Medical Section, Personnel Department, O/o Sr. Divl. Personnel Officer, Divisional Railway Manager’s Office, Eastern Railway, Asansol, PO-Asansol, PIN - 713301 and may be dropped in the Box kept at the E/Medical Section on week days only within
27.04.2021 up to 16.00 hours and applications thereafter will not be accepted or entertained. ScreeningTest will be on 30.04.2021 at 11:00 hrs at the chamber of Sr.DPO/E.RIy/Asansol

Attested copies of the following should be attached with the application-
i) Service Certificate
ii) Pensioner Identity Card
iii) Pension Payment Order
iv) First page of Bank's Pass Book indicating A/c. No. & IFSC No.
v) AADHAR Card.
vi) PAN Card.
vii) Three Passport size photographs.

Application Form & More Info>>

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