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Recruitment for Pharmacists in Indian Railways | Government Jobs

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East Coast Railway – one of the blue chip zones of Indian Railways came into existence in its present form with effect from 1st April 2003. Since then, the new zonal railway headquarter has been functioning at Bhubaneswar, the capital city in the state of Orissa. The geographical jurisdiction of the railway is however extended over three states encompassing almost all parts of Orissa alongwith parts of Srikakulam, Vizainagaram & Visakhapatnam districts of North Eastern Andhra Pradesh, and Bastar & Dantewada districts of Chhatisgarh State. As such, these regions with a long coastal line are rich in mineral and other natural resources, and are on the threshold of an industrial upsurge.

Post : Pharmacist

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens, for engagement as paramedical staff for the posts as mentioned below on contract basis, for Central Hospital, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar. Eligible candidates having the following qualifications, age, experience and fulfilling other terms and conditions may appear before the Board for interview along with duly filled in application in the given format with all relevant certificates/testimonials in original and self-attested copies of each.

No of posts : 02-UR

Age : 20-35 years

Minimum Educational/Professional/Technical Qualification
10+2 in Science or its equivalent, with 2 years diploma in Pharmacy and registration with Pharmacy Council of India or registration with State Pharmacy Council.

Experience : Minimum 03 (Three) years working experience is required.
NB :
a) Age will be reckoned as on the date of notification. Upper age limit is relaxable upto 3 years for OBC candidates and 5 years to the candidates of SC/ST community.
b) The vacancies are provisional and may increase or decrease as per administrative necessity. There may be ‘wait-listed/stand-by’ candidates against the notified panel/select list who may be engaged as per necessity.

Period of contract: Upto 30.06.2019 or till the vacant posts are filled up by Departmental candidates through promotion /Regular recruitment through RRB whichever is earlier. Further extension is to be considered as and when the scheme is extended by Railway Board.

Remuneration : Pay in Pay Level Rs. 29200/- in Level 5 of 7th CPC plus admissible allowances.

Other Terms and Conditions
1. The selected candidates will be engaged on contract terms for a period upto 30.06.2019 or for a period of one year from the date of joining subject to extension of validity of the scheme for contractual appointment of Paramedical staff by Railway Board or till the vacant posts are filled up by RRB candidates/by promotion of regular incumbents, whichever is earlier. The engagement of the above candidates is a stop gap arrangement and will not count as service. Extension beyond 30.06.2019 will however, be subject to continuation of validity of the scheme by the Railway Board.
2. The minimum working hours are 08 hours per day that may include day/night or day-cum-night as per exigency of service.
3. The rest/weekly off may be on different days not necessarily on holidays, etc.
4. All the candidates should have good physical, sound mental conditions as per Railway Medical Standards and they will be subjected to medical examination as per extant railway rules and those who are found fit in the prescribed medical examination will be engaged on contract terms.
5. Candidates selected will have to undergo preliminary professional evaluation and verification of required documents by committee of officers of Railways.

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6. In case of unsatisfactory work or misconduct on the part of the personnel so engaged on contract basis, Railway reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without assigning any reasons thereof.
7. Railway accommodation shall be provided subject to availability. In case Railway accommodation is provided, an amount equivalent to HRA and license fees of the accommodation so provided shall be deducted from the monthly fees admissible to them.
8. The candidates on contract basis are required to follow the dress code as per Administrative requirement at their own cost.
9. The candidates will have no prescriptive right to continue for the given period in the Notice. Their continuance in the Railways will be subject to their overall performance.
10. The candidate has no right for automatic regularization or absorption in the Railways.
11. No private practice or any other employment will be permitted during the subsistence of the contract period.
12. A detailed contract agreement will have to be executed by the candidate on their successful selection.
13. The detailed instructions with regard to duties while in contract with Railways shall be given to the candidates in the event of selection and subsequent signing of Contract Agreement.
14. During the validity of the contract, the candidates will be at liberty to terminate the contract for betterment of his/her career or any other grounds by giving prior 30 days notice to the Railways.
15. The Railway Administration reserves right to deploy the candidates in any area depending upon the exigency of the service and refusal or otherwise will be treated as misconduct on the part of the
16. The selected candidates will be paid remuneration as mentioned in para-2 of the employment notice and the candidates cannot claim any additional remuneration, allowances or other benefits during the course of contract period.
17. The candidates are personally responsible for payment of professional tax, income tax and other duties/taxes liveable by the State/Central Governments from time to time.
18. The Railway Administration reserves the right to cancel, amend or otherwise modify all or any of the terms & conditions of this notification as applicable from time to time without assigning any reason(s) thereto.
19. The contract will be ceased on completion of the periods as specified at item 1 above automatically without issue of any notice etc.

Place : Office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer, 2nd Floor, Rail Sadan, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar
Date : 18th April 2019
Time : 10. 00 Hrs.

Candidates are advised to report to the venue by 9.30 Hrs. for registration. No registration of applications will be allowed beyond the closing time of 10.00 Hrs
NB : The day(s) of interview may be more than one day and no TA/DA/Accommodation will be provided to the candidates attending the interview.
Eligible SC/ST/OBC candidates may apply against the notification. However, they are not eligible for any relaxation.

Documents to be required : Candidates are advised to bring original certificates for verification at the time of Interview along with application in the prescribed format & with following documents.
i. Two recent Passport size photographs (self-attested).
ii. Educational/Technical/Professional qualification certificate from recognized institution.
iii. Certificate indicating the Dhte of Birth (SSLC).
iv. Registration Certificate copy wherever applicable. Registration by Pharmacy Council in case of Pharmacist.
v. Certificate of experience & ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer& relevant certificates.

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