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One Year Fellowship in Advancing Undergraduate Science Education at Dr. Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences

Clinical research courses

The Dr. Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences was conceived in the context of globalization, to foster research competence in India and to bridge the divide between academic research and the pharmaceutical & biotechnology industries. The institute was incorporated as a non-profit entity under Section 25 of the Indian companies act, facilitating operational autonomy. Construction of the DRILS building comprising 44 labs and an administrative block and spanning ~130,000 sq.ft. in area, began in 2004 and was completed in January 2007.

With an aim of improving and enhancing undergraduate life sciences education in the Greater Hyderabad region, the Center for Advancement of Research Skills at Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences is announcing a one-year fellowship to mentor and support one position for the academic year 2019-20. The role of the fellow will involve design, execution, communication, and documentation of training and educational programs and events for students and teachers. The focus will be on the life sciences, including chemistry and the interface of biology and chemistry. Local travel and occasional outstation travel will be required.

The primary objective underlying the Fellowship is empowerment of undergraduate teachers by providing support to them in implementing high quality hands-on and minds-on activities in their classrooms/labs. The Fellow will be a key player in a support system benefiting many teachers. The Fellow will be mentored to blend research experiences with recent developments in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

The fellow will work closely with Dr. Anil Kumar Challa, visiting scientist at DRILS and adjunct professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham, USA. The fellowship will also offer opportunities to work in biology education research (BER), in collaboration with international leaders in the field. This opportunity offers work experience that will potentially result in BER publications and skills useful in pursuing doctoral/postdoctoral work in BER or in experimental research.

Eligibility and Requirements : Master’s Degree (within the last two years) in any area of life sciences with a rich laboratory research experience, deep interest in science education, ability to communicate clearly, and enthusiasm to work with students and teachers. Recent PhDs with a serious interest in undergraduate education may also apply.

Desired: Fluency in Telugu

Fellowship duration: One year beginning in May/June, 2019

Applicants need to send their vita and a two-page statement summarizing their interest in teaching & research by 15 May, 2019 via email to Shortlisted candidates will be asked to send a short video (3–5 minutes) on the topic "an example of an engaging and exciting undergraduate biology education/degree program”.

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