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Job for Vice Principal, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors at Malla Reddy college of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

Malla Reddy college of Pharmacy (MRCP) with the Motto of " Tama Soma Jyothirgamaya " exists to provide exemplary student centered undergraduate and post graduate education, training and research in time with public health needs and extends in constructing team spirit, originality, competence in students as per global challenges to make them pioneers of Indian vision of modern society.  Imparting technical education that encourages independent thinking. Develops strong domain of knowledge, hones contemporary skills and positive attitudes towards holistic growth of young minds.

Courses offered : B.Pharm, M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis), Pharm D (6 yrs course) and Pharm D (Post Baccalaureate) (3 yrs course)

Vice Principal, Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors

Qualification: As per AICTE/ PCI Norms.

Salary: As per AICTE Scales and negotiable (Commensurate with qualification and experience).

Lab Assistants
Qualification: B. Sc / D. Pharm / B. Pharm / MLT

AO/ Office Assistants
Qualification: B. Com / BA with knowledge of computers.

Date of interview : 25/05/2012; reporting time: 10.00 AM

Note: Applicants are required to bring their bio-data along with a passport size photograph and one set of Xerox copies of qualification and experience.
Bus Route: From Secunderabad city bus no: 227

Malla Reddy College of Pharmacy
Maisammaguda, Dhullapally (post via Hakimpet),

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