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Require Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers & Research Associates at Shobhit University | M.Pharm, M.Sc, MBA

Clinical research courses

Shobhit University believes in strategic growth as envisaged in our mission and vision, to impart quality education through vertical and horizontal integration. It strives to become a world class university, with a global perspective, that educates the future leaders of the world. Therefore, the challenge before the University is to remain in the forefront of cutting edge knowledge and to follow the best international practice(s) in academics.

Post : Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers & Research Associates

The peace and sense of fulfillment in academics have no parallel but the lack of autonomy to design the curriculum, to define the delivery and grading modes and annual exponential salary rises have largely eluded Indian higher education system. We are writing an obituary to all this… Working with a University will enable you to design or update the curriculum and the delivery mode, making you an academic visionary.

• Ph.D. in a relevant discipline from an institution of high repute (with 1st Division at ME/M.Phil./M.Pharm./MBA/Pre Ph.D. qualification level)
• At least 10 years post Ph.D. experience in teaching and/or research, of which at least 4 years at the level of an Associate Professor, or equivalent
• Sustained excellence in teaching, research and sponsored R&D
• Potential for leadership in research, education and institution building
• At least 20 publications (of which 10 are in journals of international repute)
• Guided at least one Ph.D. student independently (alternatively guided two PhD students jointly with someone else)
• Candidate who has completed at least two sponsored R&D projects each of value Rs. 5 lakhs or more as PI (alternatively completed one sponsored R&D project as PI of value Rs. 5 lakhs or more and completed two sponsored R&D project as a co‐PI each of value Rs. 5 lakhs or more) will be given preference.
• Candidates from Defence services / industry may also apply.

Associate Professor
•  Ph.D. in a relevant discipline from an institution of high repute (with 1st Division or 60% at ME/M.Phil./M.Pharm./ MBA/Pre Ph.D. qualification level) At least 6 years post Ph.D. experience in teaching and/or research, of which at least 3 years at the level of an Assistant Professor, or equivalent
• Demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and sponsored R&D
• At least 10 publications (of which 5 are in journals of international repute)
• Guided at least one Ph.D. student (independently or jointly with someone else)
• Candidate who has completed at least one sponsored R&D project of value Rs. 5 lakhs or more as PI (alternatively completed two sponsored R & D projects as a co-PI each of value Rs. 5 lakhs or more) will be given preference.

Assistant Professor
•  Ph.D. in a relevant discipline from an institution of high repute (with 1st Div. or 60% at ME/M.Phil./M.Pharm./ MBA/Pre Ph.D. qualification level)
• Potential for excellence in teaching and research
• At least 4 publications (of which 2 are in journals of international repute).
• UGC (NET) qualified candidates will be given preference.

Lecturer/Research Associate
ME/M.Phil./M.Pharm./MBA or equivalent in a relevant discipline from an institution of high repute (with a 1st Division or 60% in all college/university level degrees)  Potential for excellence in teaching and research.

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Pay Scales
Pay as per university norms based on UGC recommendations.

Interview Schedule
• Interviews shall be held at the University Corporate Office in New Delhi.
• Short-listed candidates will be intimated by email about the date & time of interview.
• Please bring original testimonials and Xerox copy, publications, research papers and dissertation.
• You may be advised to come prepared to stay overnight under own arrangement, if required.
• No TA/DA shall be provided for attending the interview.
• Selected candidates may be asked to join the services on a short notice.

Please Send your detailed CV on

A hard copy of the Application shall also be send on the University Prescribed Format along with all relevant documents to the

Director (Recruitment)
Shobhit University
Shobhit University Tower, Institutional Area,
Pocket-B, Mayur Vihar Phase-II, New Delhi - 110091


Last Date : 19th April, 2018

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