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Opportunity for Pharmacist in IIT Patna

Clinical research courses

Indian Intitute of Technology Patna, an Institute ,of national innportance, is looking for suitable Indian Nationerls for appointment, on contract for a term of 3 years (likely to be corlfirmed, subject to noteworthy performance) on the following post(s):

Post: Pharmacist

No.of post: 01- UR

Pay Bands with Grade Pay: PB-1 with GP 2,800/-

Max. Age limit: 32 years

Essential: Diploma in Phrarmacy granted by an institute of the Central or State Government or an institute recognized by the Central or State Govt. with at least 2 years experience in relevant field.

Desirable: Preference will be given to person working in premier medical/ education institutes.

General Inforination:
1. Employees of Govt./ Semi Govt. Organization/ Autonomous bodies should submit their application through proper channel. For deputation, candidates working in Central / State Government including Govt. Autonomous Bodies/ Organizations and Public Sector undertakings may also apply through proper channel. Candidates may send an advance copy.
2. The institute reserves the right to relax any of the qualification/experience/ age bar in exceptional cases, or in case of person already holding analogous positions in Government/ University/ Research Institution/ Industry.
3. Higher initial pay may be considered for deserving candidates holding exceptional experience.
4. The Institute reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for test/interview. Fulfilment of the prescribed essential and /or desirable qualifications per-se will not entitle a candidate automatically to be called for test/ interview.
5. The candidates applying for more than one post must submit their separate application form for each post and send them in separate covers super-scribing the post applied for. Those who have applied earlier against post code 03 & 09, may update their CV / any relevant information, if they so desire to be considered against present advertisement for the same post.
6. The complete postal address (including telephone/ Fax/ Mobile No. and email address) of the present employer mentioning the name of the organization and whether the organization is a Govt./ Semi Govt./ Autonomous/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Private Sector should be indicated in the Application form.
7. Reservation for SG/ST/OBG/Ex Serviceman/ Persons with disabilities will be exactly as per Govt, of India rules.
8. The selection process will generally consist of written and/or trade test followed by interview. No TA will be paid for written test. However, the candidates called for interview will be paid AC - III rail fare (Rajdhani allso)/Chair car in Shatabadi Exp., for the posts at SI. No. 1 to 3 [Group A] and Sleeper Class for the rest posts at SI. No. 4 to 13 for to and fro journey by the shortest route against original tickets.
9. Degrees as referred above are those which have been awarded by recognized University/lnstitution.
10. All posts are contractual for 3 years. After that they may be regularised or their contract may be extended depending on their performance. Further, they can be transferred to any section/unit as per specific requirement within the Institute.
11. Incomplete application or application without attested copies of pertificate or without mentioning the post applied for or received after the last date are liable to be rejected. Interim correspondence will not be entertained and replied to.
12. Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies advertised as per need or cancel the advertisement itself in toto or partially without any further notification or assigning any reason.
13. For downloading application form, please visit our website: Application in the prescribed form only will be considered.
14. Any dispute with regard to the selection/ recruitment process will be subject to court/ tribunals having jurisdiction over Patna.
15. The complete application duly singed by the candidate along with Demand Draft of -200/- (no application fee for SC/ST/PD and women candidate) and self attestec) copies of certificates/testimonials of qualification, experience, caste and PD (if applicable), should be sent by hand or by speed post to “Assistant Registrar (Admin.), IIT Patna, Patliputra Colony, Patna - 800 013” on or before the last date, which is 30/04/2015. Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- should any national bank in favour of III Patna, payable at Patna..
16. Canvassing in any form/ bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post. "INTERIM ENQUIRY WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED:.

Patliputra Colony, Patna - 800 013, Bihar, India

Advt. No. IITP/RECT/001/2015


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