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A Three days National Seminar on Customization of Clinical Efficacious in Drugs and its Paradigm at Vaageswari College of Pharmacy

GPAT courses

Sree Vaageswari Educational society was established in 2003 and started Vaageswari College of Pharmacy with B.Pharmacy course in 2004 to honor SARASWATHI, the goddess of Education. We are working with a mission to provide the quality education in the field of Pharmacy profession and also to promote highest quality professional pharmacy education at all levels, to produce competent pharmacists, with entrepreneurship and innovative skills. We also wish to educate people regarding drugs, drug products, health and population control and also to create a model pharmacy in the institution to strengthen the relation between public and pharmacy.

• B.Pharmacy
• M.Pharmacy
• Pharm.D
• Pharm.D (P.B)

IMPORTANCE OF THE SEMINAR: The rationale usage of drugs reduces the probability of occurrence of Adverse Drug reactions, drug interactions and side effects. The therapeutic drug usage requires monitoring for the effective therapy and it should be under the supervision of clinical pharmacist or physician. The therapeutic approach of using drugs can be refined and professional guidance can be implemented in the administration of drugs.

OBJECTIVES OF THE SEMINAR: The seminar seeks to achieve the following goals:
1. To provide awareness about rationale usage of drugs
2. To generate and discuss about the resources for refinement of TDM to avoid toxicity
3. To imply professional approach in the usage of prescription drugs and minimization of ADRs
4. To build up a liason between clinical practice and Pharma education.

WHO CAN ATTEND THE SEMINAR: The Pharmacy Professionals, faculty members, Research Scholars, Pharmacists, M.Pharmacy and Pharm.D & Pharm.D (PB) students can attend the seminar. The B.Pharm IV year students can also attend the seminar.

SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS: Abstracts not exceeding 250 words are invited for inclusion as Poster presentations from scientists, faculty members, PG students and UG (Final year) students in the following areas.

• Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy
• Pharmaceutics,
• Pharmacology,
• Pharmaceutical analysis,
• Pharmacognosy and
• Pharmaceutical chemistry

The text shall be in Normal Times New Roman, Font size 12, single spacing and fully justified. The abstracts along with application form should be e-mailed to as an attachment and a hard copy should also be send by post to “The Programme Coordinator, AICTE sponsored National Seminar, Vaageswari College of Pharmacy, Beside LMD Police Station, Rama Krishna Colony, Thimmapur, Karimnagar-505 481” on or before 30th March 2015. The name of the presenting author should be indicated in bold and underlined. The best posters will be rewarded. Dimensions of the Poster: 1(w) X1.5 (Height) mtrs.

Day 1: 06th April 2015
9.00AM: Registration
10.00 AM: Inaugural Session & Key Note address by
12.00PM: Plenary Session-I
12.30PM: Lunch
2.30PM: Plenary Session-II
Day-2: 07th April 2015
9.30AM: Plenary Session-III
10.45 AM: Tea Break
11.00 AM: Poster Presentations
12.30PM: Lunch
01.30PM: Poster Presentations
Day-3: 08th April 2015
9.30AM: Plenary Session-IV
10.45 AM: Tea Break
11.00 AM: Plenary Session-V
12.30PM: Lunch
01.30PM: Plenary Session-VI
02.30PM: High Tea break
03.00PM: Certificate presentations & Valedictory Session

Important Details:
• Last date for submission of Abstract is 30th March, 2015
• Intimation about acceptance of Abstract is 1st April, 2015

Contact e-mail:

All India Council of Technical Education sponsored
A Three days National Seminar on
Customization of Clinical Efficacious in Drugs and its Paradigm

(6th-8th April 2015)
Organized by
Vaageswari College of Pharmacy
(Approved by AICTE & PCI, New Delhi & affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad)



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