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Clinical research courses


The Indian Chitin and Chitosan Society was formed in 2010 with the key aspiration for the development and promotion of technologies based on chitin/chitosan on an International scale in order to promote translational research. It is also aimed to bring out scientists/researchers working in different aspects of chitin and chitosan and its application in a common platform to promote the usage of their biopolymer and to provide the opportunity to network complement and share their expertise. In this connection, the Indian Chitin and Chitosan Society has conducted nine symposia so far and this year it is organizing its 10th Symposium to share the knowledge and expertise among the scientific peer groups.

NIPER Kolkata is an autonomous institute established in the year 2007 under the aegis of the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India as an Institute of National Importance for Higher Education, Research and Development in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The institute is constantly striving to contribute to the promotion of the pharmaceutical industry in India, encourage scholars innovations, and bring synergy between academia and Industry.

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kolkata

Guidelines for Abstract Submission
• The participants are encouraged to submit unpublished and original abstracts to ICCS 2023 through online on or before 10th November 2023 for oral and poster presentation.
• The abstract should be in one page containing not more than 250 words, covering objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. It should be in English with Times New Roman font (Title font size - 12 & bold; name and address along with e-mail - font size 10; other Text - font size - 11).
• The name of the presenting author should be indicated by *(Astrik). The abstract is to be submitted in a word format through the web portal.
• The authors of the selected abstracts will be informed through e-mail.

Oral and Poster Presentation
• Each oral presentation is strictly limited to 8 minutes and 2 minutes for interaction.
• The poster size should be a maximum of 80 cm in width and 120 cm in height.
• The poster should consist of an introduction, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.
• The font should be legible from a distance of 1 m.
• Prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentation.

Registration Fee for Delegates
Early Bird Registration Up to 31st October, 2023
Student / Post Graduate / Research Scholars : INR 1,500/-
Academicians / Researchers : INR 2,500/-
Industry Personnel & Other Personnels : INR 5,000/-
International Delegates : INR 10,000/-
Late Registration (1st November-15th November, 2023)
Student / Post Graduate / Research Scholars : INR 2,000/-
Academicians / Researchers : INR 3,000/-
Industry Personnel & Other Personnels : INR 5,500/-
International Delegates : INR 15,000/-

Travel and Accommodation
Kolkata is well connected by air, rail, and road with other cities and states. The accommodation will be arranged on specific request. The charge for accommodation in nearby hotels ranges from Rs. 2,500/- to Rs. 5,000/- per day

Organizing Committee


1. Marshall Awards for Student:
Three Awards (Chemistry & Environmental -1; Agriculture & Biotechnology -1; Healthcare - 1)
Research student with a minimum of 5 as the total impact factor of he/her publications. Application should be forwarded by the student’s Guide and each Guide/Faculty should recommend only one student. Students should send their Curriculum Vitae (CV) with details of their publications and other achievements as a single PDF file to the Secretary, ICCS (E-mail:
2. Marshall Awards for Researcher:
The researcher should have a high research profile in the field of chitin/ chitosan. Also, the researcher should have a minimum 50 as the total impact factor of his/her publications. Preference will be given to researchers who are involved in product development in the field of chitin/chitosan. Scientist/Researcher can individually send their Curriculum Vitae (CV) with details of their publications and other achievements as a single PDF file to the Secretary, ICCS (E-mail:
3. Shri Vinayak M. Deshpande Young Scientist Award:
This award is for a researcher (below 40 years) who has worked on chitin/chitosan related to any aspect and published papers in high-impact journals from India or exceptionally transferred a technology related to chitin/chitosan to the industry in the previous calendar year. The recipient preferably should be a member of the society and should attend the meeting and give a talk to receive the award. The award is not given in absentia.
The application should include a cover letter highlighting the contributions (max. 150 words), a brief CV, a list of publications and subject-related reprints (self attested, not more than 5); and names of 2 referees who can give additional information, if required. The application details can be submitted as a single PDF file to the Secretary, ICCS (E-mail:

Important Dates
Last date for abstract submission is 10th November, 2023
Last date for registration is 15th November, 2023

Registration Link

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