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7th National Symposium on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research on “Improving Health Outcomes Through Evidence Based Practices” organized by ISPOR

Clinical research courses

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) Founded in 1995, ISPOR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public organization for educational and scientific purposes, as defined by the US IRS, and a non-profit research organization under the European Commission 7 the Framework Programme. The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) promotes the science of Pharmacoeconomics (health economics) and outcomes research (the scientific discipline that evaluates the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being including clinical, economic, and patient-centered outcomes) and facilitates the translation of this research into useful information for health care decision makers to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness of health care to improve health. ISPOR has over 7300 members from 105 countries. In addition, the 69 ISPOR Regional Chapters have more than 6000 members, extending ISPOR’s outreach to over 13,300 members worldwide.

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) - India Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter.
The ISPOR India - Andhra Pradesh Chapter was approved in June 14, 2012, established under the leadership of Dr. Y. Padmanabha Reddy (President – ISPOR India AP Chapter) comprising of 274 members. The Chapter focuses on developing a new approach of Pharmacy practice education from a regular curriculum wise teaching to an actual healthcare orientation /health outcome based training to maintain and improve patients quality of life and adhere to rationality use of medications. The chapter has organized one international conference and six national conferences within a span of 4 years which is well appreciated by all professional bodies of Pharmacy profession and ISPOR. The branch adages constant and novel contribution towards the evidence based learning, teaching, practice and research in pharmacy profession with global standards.

About the Symposium on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (PE & OR) 
The main axiom of the conference is to provide a platform for consistently reviewing, evaluative and exploitation clinical analysis findings to assist the delivery of optimum clinical care to patients. Evidence based practices forms a part of the many-sided method of reassuring clinical effectiveness and the practice of proof based mostly medicine suggests that integration individual clinical experience with the best obtainable external clinical proof from systematic analysis.

Call for Papers 
7th National Symposium on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research takes immense pleasure in inviting abstracts of original research studies for poster/oral presentation in related disciplines of Pharmacy practice, Clinical pharmacy, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical outcomes, Economic evaluation, Health policy & systems, Health technology assessment, Patient-centered Outcomes, Personalized medicine and Population health. Best presentations will be awarded.

Guidelines for abstract preparation (Both oral and poster presentation) 
*Prospective authors should submit the abstracts by 15April 2016. The abstracts of the paper should be limited to 250 words including keywords with line spacing 1.5. Abstracts for poster presentation competition shall be mailed to Corresponding author is to be marked with asterisk in superscript and complete address including Email ID should be provided. Title should be in upper case, bold Times New Roman. Poster size is 0.95m X 1.2 m. Abstracts of good research work will be considered for Oral presentation, guidelines of oral presentations will be mailed to corresponding author after selection process. Accepted abstracts will be published in IJPSR as special issue of conference proceedings.

Registration Fees
Registration fee be paid through Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The President ISPOR   AP Chapter”.  Soft copy of Filled registration form along with DD can be mailed to

- Category A ISPOR Member: Rs. 600 
- Category B ISPOR Non-member: Rs. 800 
- Category C (Spot Registration): Rs. 1000 (for both Members and Non-members of ISPOR) 
- Accommodations: Rs 150 per individual per day (first come first serve basis)

Organizing Committee 
Chief Patron 
Dr. Y. Padmanabha Reddy.
M. Pharm, PhD., F.I.C   Professor & Principal - RIPER 
President - ISPOR India AP Regional Chapter 

Dr. G. Devala Rao.
M. Pharm, PhD., F.I.C  Professor & Principal  
KVSR Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences 

Dr. Mohanraj Rathinavelu.
Pharm. D.  Secretary & Treasurer 
ISPOR India AP Regional Chapter  

Dr. C. Siva Reddy.
M. Pharm, PhD  Head Department of Pharmacy Practice  
KVSR Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences 

Organizing Secretary 
Mr. G. Narayana.
Director- ISPOR India AP Regional Chapter 

Dr. Y. Samhitha Reddy. Pharm. D 
Dr. P.T. Priyanka. Pharm. D 
Dr. B. Sahithi. Pharm.D
Dr. S.M.G. Ishrar. Pharm. D 

Local Organizing Committee 
Mrs. M.N.L Prasanna. M.Pharm  
Dr. G. Raja Sree. Pharm.D 
Ms. N. Krishna Sri. M.Pharm

Important Dates 
Abstract Submission (Last date):  15April 2016 
Information of selected abstracts:  18April 2016 
Early bird registration: 15April 2016 

Kindly contact: 
Chair Scientific Committee 
Dr. M. Jaffar Sadiq. M.Pharm, PhD. 
Director- ISPOR India AP Chapter 
For Posters/Oral presentations 
+91 9704576679 

Registration Committee 
Dr. B. Manoj Kumar  +91 8142581428

Dr. C. Siva Reddy  +91 8008593009 

For Complete Information about Conference Kindly contact:
Organizing Secretary 
Mr. G. Narayana.  +91 9959835600

Improving Health Outcomes Through Evidence Based Practices
 22nd& 23rd April 2016

A C Auditorium, KVSR Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences  Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.


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