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MANTHAN 2023 : All India Online Essay Contest by IIHMR UNIVERSITY

Clinical research courses



9th All India Online Essay Contest

for B.Pharm Final Year Students

IIHMR University, Jaipur is a post-graduate research University established under the IIHMR University Act, 2014 (Act No 3 OF 2014) by the state government and recognised by University Grants Commission (UGC). The University offers 02 year full time MBA Pharmaceutical Management, which has attained the status of a premier MBA PM program in the country.

About the All India Online Essay Contest
The School of Pharmaceutical Management, The IIHMR University, Jaipur is inviting B Pharma Final year students all across India to enter an ALL INDIA ONLINE ESSAY CONTEST- MANTHAN 2023.

The essay contest is organized with an objective to harness the energy, imagination and creativity of the budding pharmacy professionals in developing an in depth understanding of the pharmaceutical field and exploring new career avenues in the field of pharmaceutical management.

Awards :

1st PRIZE: Rs 15,000/-

2nd PRIZE:  Rs 10,000/-

3rd PRIZE: Rs 5,000/-

Certificates of participation will be awarded to all participants.  No fee will be payable by the participants at any stage of the contest.

TOPICS (Write on ANY ONE topic):-
1. Digital Therapeutics- The Way Forward for Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
2. The Trending Role of Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Industry
3. Brand Managers- A Lucarative career avenue for the Pharmacy students

Final year students of B.Pharm (Year of passing should be after 2020)

1. The essay should be written in English
2. Only individual entries will be accepted. Co-authorship is not permitted
3. The essay should not be more than 1000 words. Entries more than 1000 words will be rejected
4. The essay should be written in MS word file (doc.docx)
5. Font size-Times New Roman, Font size 12, Spacing 1.5
6. Individual entries to be submitted ONLY IN SOFT COPY via email at
7. The soft copy of certificate of participation will be send to only those candidates who will submit the complete essay, mere submission of registration form will not make the candidate eligible to receive the certificate
8. The decision regarding acceptance, rejection and the award of the prizes for the essay would be solely of The IIHMR University, Jaipur and remain abiding to all the participants.
9. Verbatim of the internet sources or from the journals on the mentioned topic will not be accepted. Only original work will be appreciated.

Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation of the essay will be done based on the following criteria:-
• Originality
• Relevance to the topic
• Adherence to the guidelines mentioned in the information brochure

(Submit the complete essay along with the registration form at
(Last date of essay submission- May 20, 2023)


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