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International Conference on Recent Trends in Structural Bioinformatics and Computer Aided Drug Design at Alagappa University

Clinical research courses

Alagappa University was established in the year 1985 by the Government of Tamilnadu, as envisioned by the great Philanthropist Padma Bhushan (Late) Dr.RM. Alagappa Chettiar is achieving Excellence in all spheres of Education, with particular emphasis on Pedagogy, Extension, Administration, Research and Learning (PEARL) by affording a Quality oriented Higher Education to the learners so that they are transformed into intellectually competent human resources that will help in the up-liftment of the nation to Educational, Social, Technological, Environmental and Economic Magnificence (ESTEEM). Our motto is “Excellence in Action”. The 440 acre green and lush campus houses Science, Arts, Management, and Education faculties with 39 Departments, 9 Centres and 2 Constituent Colleges on its campus. Besides, 40 Affiliated Colleges are located in the districts of Sivaganga and Ramanathapuram. The institution offers 158 programmes in the University Department catering to the educational needs of rural students. All programs in the University follow a Semester Pattern under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) to ensure quality education.

The Department of Bioinformatics proudly announces the International Conference on “Recent Trends in Structural Bioinformatics and Computer Aided Drug Design” (ICSBCADD'2019) after successfully have conducted 11 years of National Symposia and Workshop on the theme of SBCADD. ICSBCADD'2019 intends to provide a global platform for thought-provoking deliberations with renowned experts in various facets of Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery. Mainly, leading Scientists and Academicians hailing from premier institutes will be enlightening on various prospects of protein/nucleic acid structures and their prominent role in the pathogenicity of diseases arising due to vector-borne (Malaria, Filariasis, Zika and Chikunguinya), immune compromised (AIDS), nosocomial infections or resulting from unhealthy lifestyle (Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension and Cardiovascular diseases) which are an evading burden towards sustainability of human life. Advent of computational approaches and Structural Biology provides a common solution to address issues relating the identification of active biomolecules against the aforesaid diseases. Therefore, ICSBCADD'2019 will serve the purpose to bring indefinite solutions (cost-effective) in the forefront amidst the life-threatening disease burdens.

International Conference on

"Recent Trends in Structural Bioinformatics and Computer Aided Drug Design" [ICSBCADD'2019]

11th - 13th December, 2019

From the past events, we expect over 300 delegates to participate and ICSBC ADD'2019 will display the recent breakthroughs and important developments under one umbrella via unique scientific discussion from the experts all around the world. The ICSBCADD'2019 will continue the tradition of presenting outstanding science presented in a relaxed atmosphere infused with a variety of social activities and designed to provide a forum for scientists and students to share their research, build new connections and explore collaborations. We thank you for your interest in the ICSBC ADD'2019 and welcome your participation.

• Bioinformatics
• Biotechnology
• Chemoinformatics
• Computer Aided Drug Design
• Computational Biology and Chemistry
• Database Creation and Development
• Functional Genomics and Proteomics
• Molecular Biology
• Pharmacogenomics
• Structural Bioinformatics
• Structural Biology
• Small and Macromolecule X-ray Crystallography

Students, Research Scholars, Research Scientists and Faculty members from the Universities, Institutes, Colleges and Industries are encouraged to participate in this International Conference.

The participants are requested to submit their abstract (not exceeding 300 words) on the theme of the International Conference to the Convenor on or before November 10'\ 2019. The abstract should be sent to Acceptance of the abstract for mini-oral /poster presentation will be notified to the Authors by November 12th, 2019.

The participants are requested to send the duly filled registration form along with registration fee on or before November 10 th, 2019. The demand draft should be drawn in favor of “The Convenor - ICSBCADD' 2019” payable at Karaikudi.

(Inclusive of 18% GST & IGST applicable)

Student / Research Scholar : Rs 3540/-
Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF)/ Research Associate (RA) : Rs 4720/-
Faculty from Academic Institutions : Rs 5900/-
Non-Academic : Rs 11,800/-

BIDDS Member
Student / Research Scholar : Rs 2360/-
Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF)/ Research Associate (RA) : Rs 3540/-
Faculty from Academic Institutions : Rs 4720/-
Non-Academic : Rs 5900/-

Overseas US($)
Student / Research Scholar : $ 354/-
Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF)/ Research Associate (RA) : $ 472/-
Faculty from Academic Institutions : $ 590/-
Non-Academic :  $ 1180/-

Request for accommodation should be sent to The Convenor at the earliest. The expenditure for accommodation and travel will be met by participant. Refreshment and Lunch will be provided.

Dr. J. Jeyakanthan
Professor and Head
The Convenor - ICSBCADD’2019
Department of Bioinformatics
Alagappa University Karaikudi - 630 004
Tamil Nadu, INDIA.


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