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2nd World Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference on Exploring the new Innovations in Rehab Care at Helsinki, Finland


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Clinical research courses

Conducts Novel conferences, Symposia and Workshops, concerning current international interest. ME Conferences wants to serve the global information community in the development and distribution of high quality, scholarly conferences. ME Conferences, aim to support Global research communities, by empowering clusters of scientists to regularly meet and discuss topics with frontrunners in the field. These conferences cover diverse top ranked specialties and budding aspects of important and relatively broad subject areas. Organize conferences for knowledge sharing and providing global platform to explore and learn new researches in their respective fields  When visitor is registering or submitting abstract, he may refer his colleagues by entering email id of them, then our webpage will send email to them.

About Conference
ME Conferences invites the participants from all over the world to attend 2nd World Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation conference during June 13-14, 2019 to be held in Helsinki, Finland which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. The Theme of this conference is “Exploring the new Innovations in Rehab Care”

2nd World Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference

June 13-14, 2019 Helsinki, Finland

Theme: Exploring the new Innovations in Rehab Care

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation focus on innovative technologies. This gathering incorporates inspiring intelligent presentations and keynote speakers who will give a universal stage to discourse of present and future difficulties physical medicine and Rehabilitation.

ME Conferences organizes 1000+ Global Events comprehensive of 300+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe and Asia with support from 1000 more consistent social requests and conveys 900+ Open access journals contains in excess of 30000 celebrated identities, presumed researchers as article board individuals.

Rehabilitation Health 2019 invites all interested participants to consolidate us for this honored event at the gorgeous destination Helsinki, Finland.

Why to attend?
2nd World Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Conference is among the World's leading Scientific Conference. The two-day event on Rehabilitation practices will host 60+ Scientific and technical sessions and sub-sessions on innovative researches in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation across the globe. Rehabilitation Health 2019 will constitute of 17 major sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that states current issues in the various field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

The attendees can find exclusive sessions and panel discussions on latest innovations in Advanced Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation treatments by:
• Lectures from renowned speakers
• Keynote forums by Prominent Professors, Doctors
• Open Innovation Challenges
• Poster presentations by Young Researchers
• Global Networking sessions with 50+ Countries
• Novel techniques to benefit your research
• Best platform for Global business and Networking opportunities
• Meet the editors of referred journals, Society and Association members across the Globe
• Excellent platform to showcase the latest products and formulations in Rehabilitation field

Who Should Attend?
• Physiatrists (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physicians)
• Physiotherapists
• Occupational Therapists
• Kinesiologists
• Chiropractors
• Pediatricians
• Neurosurgeons
• Neurologists
• Cardiologists
• Orthopedic Surgeons
• Orthopedic Specialists
• Psychologists
• Medical and Allied Healthcare Professionals
• Researchers
• Students

Venue & Hospitality : Helsinki, Finland



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