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One day Seminar on intellectual property rights: innovations, economics, access at Dr. L.H.Hiranandani College of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

The college was established in 2004 in the sprawling CHM campus as a proud addition to the Institutes managed by Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board. The college initially conducted the Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) course.

Dr. L.H.Hiranandani College of Pharmacy
State level One day Seminar and Poster presentation
on 19th January 2017

Continuing with the legacy to provide an interactive platform for sharing thoughts, innovations and experience, this year PHARMAZEST focuses on two specialized topics- “Intellectual property rights: Innovations, Economics, Access” and “ The language of science- A workshop on academic writing”.

In today’s globally competitive environment Intellectual property has placed itself on a pedestal in the context of economic growth and is becoming increasingly important. It is the fuel that powers the engine of prosperity fostering Invention and Innovation. The seminar will focus on key aspects of IP industry types, application process and career avenues.

The use of proper language is an essential element in writing scientific papers and research proposals. The language of science differs from that of literary works. The workshop aims to highlight key aspects of language used in scientific writing.


1. Regulatory Science of Phamaceuticals.
2. Ayurveda.
3. Phytochemicals and Pharmaceutics.
4. Bio Analysis And Method Development And Validation.
5. Drug design And Development.
6. Novel technologies of Drug Delivery Systems.
7. Pharmacogenomics,
8. Pharmaceutical managements

1st prize : Rs 5000
2nd Prize: Rs 3000
3rd Prize: Rs 2000

Audience Requested From:
All Pharmacy Students

Registration Fees:
Rs 250/- per head


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