Become a SAS® Certified Clinical Trials Programmer
The pharmaceutical industry is bursting at the seams with data and looking for talented, skillful programmers. SAS® is the de facto standard platform used for clinical trials data analysis and reporting for new product submissions to regulatory authorities. SAS® is widely recognized as the gold standard for determining safety and efficacy for clinical trials. SAS® is also the primary mechanism for preparing analysis-ready data for traditional clinical research safety and efficacy analysis activities.
Are you intrigued?
Our new training program combines coursework and hands-on learning for you or your team to gain valuable clinical research theory and data analysis skills. What's it all about? The academy offers three tracks based on career aspirations:
SAS® Clinical Programming Fundamentals
SAS® Applied Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting
SAS® Certified Clinical Trials Programmer
SAS® certification credentials are globally recognized. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Contact Us
To contact SAS India via postal mail: SAS, Maker Maxity Bandra-Kurla Complex, 3rd Floor, 4th North Avenue & 5th North Avenue, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400051 Maharashtra Attention: Legal Division/Privacy Manager.
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