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About Authors:
KM. Preeti*, Ansu Bala Verma
Department of Pharmacology, Rameshwaram institute of technology and management,
Lucknow- 227202,  India

In recent years, Ricinus communis Linn. has become a subject of interest because of its beneficial effects on human health. The present ethnopharmacological review was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic properties of  Ricinus communis by scientific evidences. It belongs to the family Euphobiaceae, which is commonly known as castor. Ricinus communis is found thoughout the hotter parts of India. This plant is extensively used in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathic and Allopathic system of medicine as cathartic. Traditionally  this plant is used as laxative, purgative, fertilizer and fungicides etc. whereas the plant possess beneficial effects as antioxidant, antifertility, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, CNS stimulant, antidiabetic, insecticidal, larvicidal, antinociceptive, antiasthmatic, antiulcer, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, lipolytic, wound healing and central analgesic and many other medicinal properties. The extracts or the isolated compounds of this plant have been found to have potent activity against various ailments. The aim of present article is to explore the pharmacological or medicinal importance of the plant Ricinus communis linn.


PharmaTutor (ISSN: 2347 - 7881)

Volume 2, Issue 3

Received On: 19/01/2014; Accepted On: 27/01/2014; Published On: 05/03/2014

How to cite this article: KM Preeti, AB Verma, A Review on Ethnopharmacological Potential of Ricinus Communis Linn., PharmaTutor, 2014, 2(3), 76-85

Erand has been freely used all over India since centuries. In day to day life, it is commonly used as a purgative. The botanical name of erand is Ricinus communis and it belongs to family Euphorbiaceae.1 The seeds, seed oil, leaves and the roots of erand have great medicinal value. The plant is equally useful, both internally as well as externally. Externally, castor is effectively used in the diseases of vata associated with pain and swellings. Internally, erand is used as a potent drug in treating diseases of vata viz. arthritis, sciatica, facial palsy, paralysis, bodyache, tremors, headache etc.2 The plant is native of India and cultivated throughout the country in gardens and fields and also grows wild in waste places. R.communis is a small wooden tree which grows to about 6 meters in height and found in South Africa, India, Brazil, and Russia. Stems of Ricinus communis have Anticancer, Antidiabetic and Antiprotozoal activity.3 In the Indian system of medicine, the leaf, root and seed oil of this plant have been used for the treatment of inflammation and liver disorders4, as they have been found to be anti-nociceptive5, hepatoprotective6, laxative7 and diuretic8.

The castor oil plant is a fast-growing, suckering perennial shrub or occasionally a soft wooded small tree up to 6 meter or more, but it is not hardy in nature. This plant was cultivated for leaf and flower colors and for oil production9  Leaves are alternate, curved, cylindrical, purplish petioles, sub peltate, drooping, stipules large, ovate, yellowish, united into a cap enclosing the buds, deciduous, blade 6-8 inches across, palmately cut for three quarters of its depth into 7-11 lanceolate, acute, coarsely serrate segments, smooth blue green, paler beneath, red and shining when young. Flowers are monoecious, large, arranged on the thick rachis of an oblong, spicate panicle, which is at first terminal but becomes lateral by the growth of an axillary bud beneath it; male flowers shortly stalked, on branched peduncles at the base of the panicle, pedicels articulated about the middle; female flowers sessile, at the upper part; bracts broadly triangular. Fruit is blunt, greenish, deeply-grooved, tricoccus capsule, less than an inch long, with the prominences of the ovary becomes sharp, weak, spreading spines, 3-celled, dehiscing loculicidally and septicidally into 6 valves. Seeds are ovoid, flattened, nearly 5/8 inch long by ¼ broad, smooth, shining, pinkish- grey, prettily mottled with dark brown, caruncle large, subglobular, raphe faintly raised, running down centre of ventral surface, embryo large in axis of the endosperm, cotyledons foliaceous, broadly ovate, with a cordate base, veined.10 Roots are light in weight almost straight withfewrootlets, outer surface dull yellowish brown, nearly smooth but marked with longitudinal wrinkels.11

Vernacular names
English : Castor, Castor-oil plant
Hindi : Arand, Arand, Andi, Rend
Sanskrit : Gandharvahasta, Vatari
Gujrat: Erandio, Erando
Assam: Eda, Era
Kanada: Haralu, Oudala, Gida
Malyalam: Avanakku
Marathi: Errand
Bengali: Bherenda12

Taxonomical classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Sub Family: Acalyphoideae
Tribe: Acalypheae
Sub Tribe: Ricininae
Genus: Ricinus
Species: communis

Benefits of the plant
Castor oil is widely used as a catharatic, and also for lubrication and illumination. The oil as such or after modification finds extensive applications in industry, particularly in USA. Bulk of the commercial oil is generally processed in a number of ways and then used for different purposes. The treated oil finds use in products like paints, enamels and varnishes, oiled fabrics, linoleum, patent leather, fly-paper, typewriting and printing inks, greases and special lubricants, polishes, waxes, cutting, dielectric and condenser oils, softening agent for gelatin in rayon sizing, nitrocellulose-baking finishes, hydraulic brake fluids, urethane foams and rubber substitutes, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and insecticidal formulations. Oil from the perennial types is used for illumination and lubrication while that from the annual types is preferred for medicinal use. Castor oil is often given orally, alone or with quinine sulphate to induce labour in pregnancy at term. The oil can be used as a vehicle for parenteral administration of steroidal hormones. It is used in the preparation of liquid disinfectants like phenyls. It is an excellent illuminant and has been used in lamps from very early times in India. It is used in soap making. Castor cake is used as manure in India. It is rich in nitrogen and other minerals, and has been found to be suitable as a manure for paddy, sugarcane, tobacco etc. Leaves are occasionally fed to cattle. They are reported to increase the yield of milk. The powdered leaves are used for repelling aphids, mosquitoes, white flies and rust mites. The insectisidal activity is probably due to the presence of the alkaloid ricinine in them. Expressed juice and aqueous and alkaline extracts of the leaves were active against mycobacteria and yeast. Leaves are said to used in the form of a poultice or fomentation on sores, boils and swellings. Leaves coated with oil and warmed, are commonly applied over the abdomen to give relief in the flatulence in the children. An infusion of leaves is used for stomache-ache, and as a lotion for the eye. Pounded leaves are said to give relief in caries, and are applied over guineaworm sores to extract the worm. Fresh juice of leaves is reported to be used as an emetic in the poisoning by narcotics like opium; it is also considered useful in jaundice. Leaves are considered lactagogue and are applied as poultice over the breasts or taken internally in the form of juice. Roots are administered in the form of a decoction for lumbago and allied complaints, in the form of a paste for toothache. Root bark is reported to be a powerful purgative.13,14,15

Phytochemical constituents
The presences of various phytoconstituents in different parts of Ricinus communis Linn have been reported.

Fatty acid
Seed oil of castor-plant showed the presence of  fatty acid, ricinoleic acid (12-hydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid). Ricinoleic acid comprises over 84% while other fatty acids present were linoleic (7.3%), oleic (5.5%), palmitic (1.3%), stearic (1.2%) and linolenic (0.5%), respectively.16

Essential oil
The GC-MS analyses of R. Communis essential oil using capillary columns has showncompounds like @-thujone (31.71%), @-pinene (16.88%), camphor (12.92%) and camphene (7.48%).17

Triterpenoid saponin
The Seeds of Ricinus communis showed thepresence of Triterpenoid Saponin, 3-O-[β -D-glucoronopyranosyl-(1→ 3)-α –L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→ 2)β- D-glucopyranosyl]-4α,20α-hydroxy methyl olean-12-ene-28-oic acid.18

Five types of castor bean seed oil triacylglycerols were identified as triricinolein, RRR (84.1%),diricinoleoylstearoylglycerol, RRS (8.2%), diricinoleoyloleoyl-glycerol, RRO (5.6%), diricinoleoyllinoleoylglycerol, RRL (1.2%) and diricinoleoylpalmitoyl-glycerol, RRP (0.9%) respectively.16

The dried leaves of R. communis showed the presence of six flavones glycosides kaempferol-3-Oβ-D-xylopyranoside, kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-β-D xylopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, kaempferol-3-O-β-rutinoside and quercetin-3-O-β-rutinoside.19 Seed and leaf of R. Communis also showed the presence of flavonoids like prunin 2’-o-para coumaroyl, prunin 6”-o-para coumaroyl.20

Seeds of ricinus communis contain three toxic proteins Ricin A, B and C and one ricinus agglutinin.21

Entire plant of  Ricinus communis showed the presence of steroid Brassicasterol and Campesterol .22



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The stem bark of the castor plant showed the presence of Anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-O-β-xylopyranoside-5-O-β- glucopyranoside (21 %), cyanidin 3-O-β xylopyranoside-5-O-(6'''-O-malonyl-β- glucopyranoside) (79 %) and cyanidin 3-O-β-xylopyranoside-5-O-(6'''-Omethylmalonate- β-glucopyranoside).23

The leaf extracts of Ricinus communis showed the presence of tannins such as  catechin and  gallic acid.

Alkaloids are present in the aerial parts of the Ricinus communis.   The root of Ricinus communis showed the presence of indole 3 acetic acid and the ricinin (0.55%) and N-Demethylricinin (0.016%) . alkaloid present in the leaf of plant.19

Tablie no1. Stucture of phytochemical constitutes

Table 2. Report on Ethnopharmacological activities


Plant part/extract

Animal /

Experimental model



Analgesic activity

Seed / oil

Mice and rat / Hot-plate method, tail clip method and tail-immersion method

In analgesic studies, castor oil showed more significant analgesic activity at 1000 mg/kg(8.37±0.41**) and (4.90 ± 0.19**) then  500mg/kg tested dose level.. The analgesic activity of castor oil was however, less than that of pentazocine. The results suggest that castor oil possesses significant analgesic property.


Antiarthritic activity

Leaves / Hydroalco-holic extract

Rats / Freund’s adjuvant induced arthritic rats

Ricinus communis leaves extract show the significant antiarthritic effect at the 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg dose level. It might be speculated due to phytochemicals present such as flavonoids and saponin..


Anti-inflammatory activity

Leaves / 80% Mathanolic extract

Wistar Rat / Carrageenan-induced paw edema (Acute model) and cotton pellet induced granuloma models (Sub-chronic model)

The results of 80% methanolic extract (500 mg/kg) and  total flavonoids fractions (50 mg/kg) were at par with diclofenac sodium (20 mg/kg).Ricinus communis leaves have anti-inflammatory potentials and flavonoids are dominating this activity in the extract.



Root / Ethanolic extract

Rats / Milk induced leucocytosis and eosinophilia , Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis test, Mast cell degranulations

The ERCR significantly decreasesMilk induced leucocytosis and eosinophilia and protect degranulation of mast cells in mice. At same dose ERCR inhabited passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in rats.Hence ERCR shows antiasthmatic activity may be due to the presence of flavonoids and saponins.


Antidandruff activity

Leaves / Aqueous , methanolic , chloroform and petroleum ether extract

Anti dandruff assay with DMSO

R.commuis leaf extracts has antidandruff effects and due to its potential bioactive compounds. Phytochemical screening of various solvent extracts of R.communis leaves revealed the presence of flavonoids, saponins, tannins, phlobatannins and terpenoids methanolic extracts exhibited significant activity (8.20 ± 0.3). Aqueous extracts of the leaves recorded appreciable inhibitory activity (5.74 ± 0.8) when compared with chloroform (1.66± 1.2) and petroleum ether extracts. Petroleum ether extract gave a mean zone of inhibition of 0.90 ± 0.3 mm, showing the    ineffectiveness of the extract.


Antidiabetic activity


Root / Ethanolic extract

Alloxan induce diabetes mellitus

Blood glucose concentration of rats administered Ricinus communis reduced from 390.0 to 148.5 or 61.9%. Results from this study have confirmed the hypoglycaemic efficacy of root extract of Ricinus communis in rats.



Leaves / Methanolic extract

Acetic acid induced writhing test , Formalin induced paw licking and Tail immersion method

The results indicated that MRCL exhibited considerable Antinociceptive activity against three classical models of pain in miceat doses of 100, 125 and 150 mg/kg bw. Preliminary phytochemical analysis suggested the presence of saponin, steroids and alkaloids.


Antiulcer activity

Seed / oil

Rats / Gastric cytoprotection

method , aspirin induce gastric mucosal damage, pyloric ligation.

The result of indicate that the higher dose of castor oil 1000mg/kg (UI ; 2.35 ± 0.15) was effective in protecting ulcer. It appears that castor oil possess antiulcerogenic principles like flavonoids tannins and saponins.


Antimicrobial and Antifungal activity

Leaves / Methanolic , Ethanolic and Water extract

Bacteria and fungi / Agar well diffusion method and agar tube dilution method

Methanolic leaf extracts were found to be more active against Gram positive bacteria

as well as Gram negative bacteria  than ethanol and aqueous leaf extracts. Methanolic as well as aqueous leaf extracts of Ricinus communis were effective in inhibiting the fungal growth.


Hepatoprotective activity

Leaves / Ethanolic extract

Rats / carbon tetra chloride (Ccl4) induced hepatotoxicity

The hepatoprotective activity was studied in liver by measuring the parameters like serum levels of Glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), Glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), Bilirubin, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and histological changes in liver of different groups of animals were observed. The results of the present study showed that, the levels of SGOT, SGPT, ALP, Bilurubin were significantly increased in hepatotoxin treated group (P<0.001) when compared with control group.


Hypolipidmic activity

Root / Aqueous extract

Pap-method, Polyvinylsulphate method, Dextran sulphate-Mg2+ method and glycerol-phosphate oxidase method

A significant reduction in the ratio of High density lipoprotein to Low density lipoprotein compared with the diabetic untreated rats is suggestive of the ability of the extract to reduce atherosclerosis, a complication of diabetes.


In-vitro Immunomodulatory activity

Leaves / Mathanolic extract

Qualitative nitroblue terazolium tert, phagocytosis of killed  candida albicans, nutrophil locomotion chemotexis test

The isolated compound (tannin) of R.communis was tested at concentrations,  viz 10 µg/ml, 20 µg/ml, 40 µg/ml, 100 µg/ml and 1000 µg/ml. The isolated compound showed predominantly significant activity on human neutrophils in all the parameters tested, which was comparable to the standard and control at different concentrations, indicating the possible immunomodulating effect.


Bio-Insecticidal activity

Leaf, root and seed

Kernel / Aqueous extract

Field-cage experiments-Direct treatment of diamondback moth infested cabbage plant in cage experiments, Residual activity of the botanical treatments, Effect of different treatments on the oviposition behaviour of P. xylostella.

In view of the low oviposition rates, oviposition deterrent, immature mortality, and the relatively low persistence of the toxic ricin oil, it can be expected that the use of R. communis product be suitable for P. xylostella population density reduction in the field.


In-vitro Cytotoxic activity

Leaves/essential oil

HeLa cells/MTT test

 At a concentration of 3 mg/ml, essential oil destructed HeLa cells by about 30%, however at a concentration of 4 mg/ml, almost all HeLa cells were destructed. Cytotoxicity was expressed as the concentration of oil inhibiting cell growth by 50% (IC50). The  IC50  value of R. communis essential oil was evaluated to 2.63 mg/ml.


In-vitro Antioxidant activity

Stems / petroleum ether, benzene, chloroform, methanol, 50% methanol crude, aqueous crude extract

DPPH Method, Nitric Oxide Radical Inhibition Method

The six extracts Ricinus communis stem and two standards tested for antioxidant activity using DPPH method, the benzene and 50% methanol successive extracts showed the maximum antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 36.19 ± 2.332 µg/ml and 34.40 ± 5.98 µg/ml, respectively. The methanol and chloroform extract also showed antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 64.18 ± 3.20 and 66.17 ± 6.30 µg/ml. The distilled water crude extracts showed IC50 values of 106.14±4.33 µg/ml, respectively. The Ricinus communis stem  extracts also produce antioxidant activity due to the Presence of flavonoids in their extracts.




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Discussion and conclusion
Plants have been used as a source of medicine since the dawn of civilization. These medicines occupied a distinct place in the life right from the primitive period till date and provided information on the use of plants or plant products and products as medicine. The use of medicinal plants in the management of various illnesses is due to their phytochemical constituents and dates back antiquity.

It is very essential to have a proper documentation of medicinal plants and to know their potential for the improvement of health and hygiene through an ecofriendly system. Thus, a detailed and systematic ethnomedicinal study is required for identification, cataloguing and documentation of plants, which may provide a meaningful way for the promotion of the traditional knowledge of the herbal medicinal plants.

Authors express their sincere thanks to the Head of the Dept. of Pharmacy, Rameshwaram institute of technology and management, lucknow, India, for the facilities provided and there continuous support and suggestion during the writing of this manuscript

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