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Nanotechnology, an emergent field in drug delivery with potential to alleviate life threatening disease – A REVIEW

pharma courses

About Authors:
Aadeshkumar*, Nishantkumar gupta, Dineshkumar gupta
Dept. of pharmacy
BIT meerut, UP

In recent years there has been a rapid increase in nanotechnology in the fields of medicine and more specifically in targeted drug delivery. The proprietary powder processing techniques use by nanotherapeutics improves the delivery of drug that can not normally taken orally.
It improves
·         Safety and efficacy of low molecular weight drugs,
·         Stability and absorption of proteins that normally cannot be taken orally,
·         Extend the life cycle of existing drug formulation.

At present many substances are under investigation for drug delivery and more specifically for cancer therapy, AIDS and potential to cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) has open new ways for drug delivery into the brain. Pharmaceutical sciences are also using nanoparticles to reduce toxicity and side effects of drugs. Nanoparticles are also have the potential as novel intravascular or cellular probes for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes (drug/gene delivery) and nanosize allow access into cell and cell compartment including nucleus. . Discovery of nanomedicine has given rise to nanoparticles through which better target specific drug and gene delivery is possible. In conclusion nanoparticles for drug delivery and imaging have gradually been developed as new modalities for cancer therapy and diagnosis. This review illustrates the emerging role of nanotechnology in drug delivery.

Reference Id: PHARMATUTOR-ART-1363

Nanotechnology has become a rapidly growing field with potential applications ranging from electronics to drugs[1]. Richard Feynman introduced the concept of nanotechnology in his pioneering lecture Nanotechnology thus defined as the design and fabrications of materials, devices and systemswith control at nanometer dimensions.Nanotechnology is the disciple of science that deals with molecules of nanometeric size i.e. 10 power -9 of a meter[2]

National Science Foundation and the National Nanotechnology Initiative define nanotechnology as understanding and control of matter at dimensions of 1–100 nm where unique phenomena enable novel applications.Colloidal dispersions comprise particles or droplets in the submicron range « l m in an aqueous suspension or emulsion, respectively[3].

This small size of the inner phase gives such a system unique properties in terms of appearance and application.  There are many specific reasons why nanoscale has become soimportant some of which are as the following:
(i) The quantum mechanical (wavelike) properties of electrons inside matter are influenced by variations on the nanoscale. By nanoscale design of materials it is possible to vary their micro and macroscopic properties, such as charge capacity, magnetization and meltingtemperature, without changing their chemical composition.
(ii) A key feature of biological entities is the systematic organization of matter on the nanoscale. Developments in nanoscience and nanotechnology would allow us to place man-made nanoscale things inside living cells. It would also make it possible to make new materials using the self-assembly features of nature. This certainly will be a powerful comb