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March 2017

Clinical research courses

Recruitment for Junior Research Fellow in IITK

The history of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when a committee was set up by Hon'ble Sir Jogendra Singh, Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, Department of Education, Health and Agriculture to consider the setting up of Higher Technical Institutions for post war industrial development in India. The 22 member committee headed by Sri N.R.Sarkar, in its report, recommended the establishment of four Higher Technical Institutions in the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern regions, possibly on the lines of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, with a number of secondary institutions affiliated to it.

Post : Junior Research Fellowship

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Vacancy for M.Pharm, M.Sc in Jadavpur University as Senior Research Fellow

To trace the history of Jadavpur University is to trace a part of India’s freedom movement, at least from the Swadeshi Movement onwards. It was 1905 -1906. Bengal stood divided. The times were feverish.The hegemony of the British establishment had to be challenged. Education had to play a new role in this changed scenario. It had to become a new form of resistance through which the emergent nationalist spirit could be propagated.

Post : Senior Research Fellow (One)

Opportunity to work in Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology as Junior Research Fellow

The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is a growing phenomenon. Located in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala, RGCB began in 1990 amongst humble surroundings as a small charitable society called the Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology (C-DEST). In 1991, recognizing its potential, the C-DEST was made a "Grant-in-Aid" institute of the Government of Kerala and renamed as Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology (RGC-DEST), becoming the first institute in the country to be named after Sri Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minster of India. On April 18, 1994 the Government of Kerala took a landmark decision to restructure the institute into a comprehensive biotechnology center and thus was created the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology.

Post: Junior Research Fellow

Career for M.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Sc in Pharmacovigilance Services at Norwich Clinical Services

Norwich believes that in order to produce the highest quality pharmaceutical products, our diverse staff should possess exceptional skills, including leadership, flexibility, commitment and technical expertise. Talent is key—and so is teamwork. Our employees work in team environments where customer focus, passion and innovation are a way of life. Teams are responsible for achieving production timelines, meeting performance goals and maintaining the consistently high standards of quality for which we are known. As a Norwich employee, you’ll work as an integral part of a business team.

Post : Manager, Senior Executive, Clinical Research Associate

Career Opportunities in Drug Safety, Pharmacovigilance at Bioclinica | walk in

BioClinica is a specialty clinical trials services provider that improves the development of new medical therapies by delivering expertise and technologies that enhance clinical research data and analytics, worldwide. The company offers industry-leading medical imaging services, enterprise eClinical technologies, safety and regulatory, patient recruitment and retention, clinical research centers and cardiovascular safety solutions that bring quality and efficiency to every phase of clinical development. Bio Clinica's experience spans three decades and includes thousands of studies in all therapeutic areas. Bio clinica serves more than 400 pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and device organizations including all of the top 20 through a network of offices In the U.S., Europe and Asia.

Job for Senior Research Fellow in Indian Institute of Chemical Biology | walk in

The Institute was established in 1935 as the first non official centre in India for biomedical research and was included within the aegis of CSIR in 1956.  IICB today is engaged in research on diseases of national importance and biological problems of global interest, employing sophisticated state-of-the-art technology in keeping with the rapid and unprecedented momentum that life science research has gained globally over the last 50 years.

Post : Senior Research Fellow

Career in Clinical Research Department at Fortis Hospitals

Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore, Kolkata, Kalyan, Kolkata is India's leading Hospital Chain with 10 Hospitals across India with a number of super specialty hospitals at Mumbai, Bangalore, and Kolkata. With the latest technology, multi-disciplinary capability, state of the art facilities, world class infrastructure and excellent patient care ambiance and processes, Fortis Hospitals is poised to become the most advanced and progressive health care institution in this part of the world.

Post : Clinical Research Department

Work in Panacea Biotec for post of Executive / Senior Executive – Formulation Development

Panacea Biotec is a leading research based Health Management Company, with an annual turnover of approx. Rs. 830 Crores. We are engaged in research, development, manufacture & marketing of Vaccines, Bio-Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceuticals (Rx & OTC) of international quality and Health Services. All Panacea Biotec plants are accredited by international agencies and they follow current Good Manufacturing Practices, as per WHO guidelines.
We offer stimulating work environment & a career that spells growth. In tune with our plans, we require young, aggressive, dynamic, high performing and result oriented professional.

Post: Executive / Senior Executive – Formulation Development

Working Opportunity for Territory Manager at Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based manufacturer of health care products.In India, Johnson & Johnson operates as a single legal entity and consists of the 3 strategic business units: Consumer Products, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices which are independently managed and report into their respective Global business segments.

Post : Territory Manager