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July 2016

Clinical research courses

Career for Pharmacists (7 posts) in SCCL - A Government Company

The Singareni Collieries Company Limited, the turn around marvel of Indian Coal Mining Industry, is redefining excellence. This is the Golden Chance to prove your mettle as we move along meeting new challenges and seeking opportunities. Our tradition of strengths in having the finest Mining Technology at our 16 Opencast Mines and 30 Under Ground Mines is being geared up by increased usage of IT and serviced by Workshops, Stores & Coal Handling Plants, adopting the best operational & maintenance systems. Our quest for excellence with emphasis on Safety, Quality & Highest Productivity continues.

Post : Pharmacist - 07 posts

Recruitment for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in Central University of Kashmir - 7 posts

Central University of Kashmir (formerly known as the Central University of Jammu and Kashmir) was established in March 2009 with the appointment and joining of Prof. Abdul Wahid Qureshi , a noted academician and the former Vice Chancellor of University of Kashmir, as the First Vice Chancellor.

Post : Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

PRA Health Sciences inviting applications for post of Clinical Data Coordinator

At PRA Health Sciences, providing innovative solutions for our clients is what we do. Side-by-side with our clients, we strive to move drug discovery forward, helping them to develop life-saving and life-improving drugs. With our unique blend of expertise, we provide comprehensive clinical development services across all phases. From full service clinical development to the pioneering Embedded SolutionsTM model, PRA provides a broad spectrum of solutions that meet the demands of a diverse marketplace.

Post : Clinical Data Coordinator

Vacancy for Pharmacist in Office of CDMO

Brundaban Sanskrutik Anusthan invites application for eligible candidate to be appointed on contractual basis for the following post for Management of Urban PHC under NUHM in Key focus Areas, Bhawanipatna

Post : Pharmacist - 01 posts

National Seminar on Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Bio-Technology: Research, Invent and Discovery

      Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research [SPER]
Sponsored National Seminar

"Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Bio-Technology: Research,

Job for D.Pharm as Pharmacist in Sahara India Pariwar - 04 Posts

In business profit earnings and overall growth of business get the highest priority and are certainly creditable, but ultimate credibility of business enterprise, particularly of larger ones is in the utilisation of profit, be it for best possible upliftment of its workforce and for espousing Social, National Development causes or for rendering services to mankind as a whole. Fulfilling the Qualitative aspect of utilisation of profit, the world's largest family ‘Sahara India Pariwar' is proud to have reached today new horizons of growth and development.

Post: Pharmacist

Walk in interview for SRF, Therapist, Pharmacist in Central Council for Research in Siddha

The Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS), Chennai, an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, proposes to engage the services of the following personnel on contract basis. The engagement will be initially for a period of one year. The selection will be made on the basis of Written test/Walk-in-Interview to be held as per the details given below, in the Central Council for Research in Siddha, SCRI Building, Anna Government Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106.

Faculty requirement in Masters Pharmacy Academy

Masters pharmacy  academy, Hyderabad, is India’s No. 1 GPAT/NIPER coaching centre, planning to expand its team of experts. Since its existence in 2010; it has been committed to excellence in teaching and research. It is a Pharmacy PG entrance coaching center established by the Ex-NIPERians. We are also giving coaching for all pharmacy govt. jobs like Drugs inspector, pharmacists, Govt. Analyst, etc.  Our primary mission is to promote quality and excellence in coaching for national level aptitude test and also to access career development in building pharmacy students, so that the condition will improve from average to brilliance.  We are very much happy with our previous achievements and we hope that we continue the same in future. Thanks for visiting our website & we look forward to working with you in person soon.

Post : Faculty - 05 posts



Department of Pharmacy1, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Medicine2, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India


The aim of our study is to evaluate the door to needle time for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and to identify factors associated with a prolonged door to needle time. STEMI most commonly occurs when thrombus formation results in complete occlusion of major epicardial coronary vessels. Percutaneous coronary intervention and Thrombolytics are the two choice of treatment available for STEMI. Where door to needle time have a significant role in determining the efficacy of thrombolytics.

This is a prospective observational study conducted at RMMCH hospital, during the period of Nov 2014 to March 2015, all patient admitted with STEMI, who were thrombolysed were included in the study. Door to needle time is measured and reason for prolongation is identified. Patients who were diagnosed as NSTEMI or unstable angina and who were diagnosed as STEMI and not thrombolysed were excluded from the study.

100 patients were included in the study. Which comprises of 72 males and 28 females .door to needle time of < 30 minute was achieved in 27% of study population as per ACC/AHA guidelines were 73% failed to achieve. Highest number of population was observed in the age group of 61-70 which consist of 21 males and 6 females. Mean door to needle time was found to be 44 minutes. Majority of the patients were thrombolysed in between 31 – 45 minutes

less than a third of patients with STEMI received thrombolytics within the prescribed time interval of 30 minutes. Delay in decision making and lack of senior medical officers was found to be predisposing factor for the prolongation of door to needle time ,which requires special attention.