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May 2016

Clinical research courses

Walk in interview for M.Pharm as Academic Consultants in Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam

However, the candidates are required to bring a copy of their Complete bio - data along with original Marks  lists,  Provis ional  Certificate  /  Degree  certificate,  Caste  Certificate  and  Testimonials  if  any,  D.D.  for  Rs.300/ - towards Registration fee drawn from any recognized Nationalized Bank payable to the Registrar,  SPMVV, Tirupati, at the time of interview. Preference will b e given to women and also candidates having  teaching experience. The candidates are directed to attend the interview at the scheduled time by arriving at  least one hour before for verification of certificates.

Post: Academic Consultants

Opportunity to work as Senior Research Fellow in ICAR-Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Formerly known as Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, it was established on 16 July 1929 as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in pursuance of the report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. The ICAR has its headquarters at New Delhi.

Post: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) - 01

Vacancy for M.Pharm in Project Fellow Post at Saurashtra University

Saurashtra University, Rajkot invites applications for the following temporary positions on contractual basis at the fixed emoluments under Center of Excellence in Drug Discovery at NFDD Complex, Saurashtra University Campus, Rajkot, funded by Industries Commissionerate, Gandhinagar projects sanctioned for the period of 3 years.

Post: Project Fellow

Job as Manager, Regulatory Affairs at Pfizer

Founded in 1849, Pfizer is the world's premier biopharmaceutical company taking new approaches to better health. We discover, develop, manufacture and deliver quality, safe and effective prescription medicines to treat and help prevent disease for both people and animals. We also partner with healthcare providers, governments and local communities around the world to expand access to our medicines and to provide better quality health care and health system support. At Pfizer, colleagues in more than 90 countries work every day to help people stay happier and healthier longer and to reduce the human and economic burden of disease worldwide.

Post:  Manager, Regulatory Affairs

Wanted senior research fellow (SRF) /Junior Research Fellow in the CSIR funded project

Applications are invited on plain paper for a contractual post of senior research fellow (SRF) /  Junior research Fellow (JRF) (01) in the CSIR funded project entitled “To study the differential  distribution of adipokines in serum and synovial fluid and contribution of joint tissue to  their production in patients with knee osteoarthritis” under Dr. Anjali Aggarwal, Associate  Professor, Department of Anatomy, PGIMER, Chandigarh. The post is purely on contract basis  for one year and subject to the approval of appointment from CSIR.

Post: senior research fellow (SRF) /Junior Research Fellow(01)

Vacancy for Senior Scientist Pharmacology in ABBOTT

Abbott is about the power of health. For more than 125 years, Abbott has been helping people reach their potential — because better health allows people and communities to achieve more. With a diverse, global network serving customers in more than 150 countries, we create new solutions — across the spectrum of health, around the world, for all stages of life. Whether it’s next-generation diagnostics, life-changing devices, science-based nutrition, or novel reformulations, we are advancing some of the most innovative and revolutionary technologies in healthcare, helping people live their best lives through better health.

Post: Senior Scientist Pharmacology


GE Healthcare, $17 billion unit of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), employing more than 46,000 people worldwide and serving healthcare professionals in more than 100 countries. We believe in our strategy - and we'd like you to be a part of it. As a global leader, GE can bring together the best in science, technology, business and people to help solve one of the world's toughest challenges and shape a new age of healthcare.


After Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease (PD) is the leading neurodegenerative disorder, affecting close to a million Americans, with 50,000 new cases diagnosed every year. A progressive disorder of the nervous system affecting movement, PD typically strikes adults in mid-life. In many cases, the spread of the disease to other brain areas leads to Parkinson's disease dementia, characterized by deterioration of memory, reason, attention and planning.

In roughly one-third of pancreatic cancer patients, tumors have grown around the pancreas to encompass critical blood vessels. Conventional wisdom has long held that surgery to remove the tumors is rarely an option, and life expectancies are usually measured in months. Mayo Clinic, teaming oncologists, gastrointestinal and vascular surgeons and others, is finding that many of these patients actually are candidates for surgery. Mayo has been fine-tuning a protocol to treat them, and in two studies, found survival now stretching into years.