MNC pharmaceutical company with API and formulation site in India.
Post: AM Technology Transfer - Third Party Manufacturing
Most children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) suffer from a condition known as macrocephaly in which the head is larger than normal. To get a better understanding of the disorder, the signs of risk and for the development of new drugs, researchers at Yale School of Medicine developed "miniature brains" from skin cells of autistic patients.
Juvenile arthritis is a form of auto-immune disease that involves chronic inflammation of the joints and eyes that can lead to pain, vision loss and disability. A new study has revealed that taking antibiotics may double the risk of a child contracting juvenile arthritis. The findings are published in Pediatrics.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has banned drug imports from an India manufacturing unit of Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd over violations of standard manufacturing practices, the latest in a series of Indian firms to face such action.