Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India, registered as a non-profit society (under Societies Registration Act, 1860) with Government of India and a member (as a higher/professional Education Institute) of Quality Council of India(QCI) -which is an autonomous body and an accreditation authority for education & vocational training providers under the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India -presents unique, friendly and interactive platform to get rid of all your GMP related glitches. GMP- is an essential element of industries like pharmaceutical, cosmetic, Ayurveda, biotech, homeopathic, medical device and food manufacturing. GMP in itself is the most dynamic part which witnesses frequent changes in terms of newer rules being added and older ones being renewed. Keeping self updated with current GMPs thus becomes inevitable to stay abreast with the changing industry ne eds and practices.
Post: Academic Associate-1, Assistant Professor-2 and Associate Professor -2