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February 2015

Clinical research courses

Work as Pharmacist in Medybiz pharma- Delhi

Medybizpharma is incorporated since 2009 focussed on distribution of Super Specialty products cross PAN India with delivery capabalities at 17 locations.

Post: Pharmacist-1 position

Vacancy as Pharmacist in Medybiz Pharma- Chandigarh

Medybizpharma is incorporated since 2009 focussed on distribution of Super Specialty products cross PAN India with delivery capabalities at 17 locations.

Post: Pharmacist-1 position

Walk in for Pharmacist in KSAPS

The state's commitment to tackle HIV and AIDS dates to 1992 when KSAPS was established as a cell in the Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services and registered as a society in 1997. It has implemented HIV prevention, care and support programs within the framework of NACP-I, II and III with support from NACO. KSAPS built strong partnerships with the government health infrastructure, NGOs and collaborative projects such as the Indo-Canadian Collaborative HIV/AIDS Project (ICHAP), which operated from 2000-2005.

Post: Pharmacist

Vacancy as Pharmacist in ECHS Polyclinic Panaji

Retired Armed Forces personnel till 2002 could avail medical facilities only for specific high cost surgery/treatment for a limited number of diseases covered under the Army Group Insurance(Medical Branch Scheme) (AGI(MBS)) and Armed Forces Group Insurance Scheme(Management Information System) (AFGIS (MIS)) schemes. These medicare schemes could provide some relief to the ESM, but it was not a comprehensive scheme as compared to and available for other Central Government Employees. Therefore, the requirement was felt of establishing a medicare system which could provide quality medicare to the retirees of the Armed Forces.

Post: Pharmacist- 01

Opportunity for Consultant (Botany/ Pharmacognosy) in CCRS | Walk in

The Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS), Chennai, an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India proposes to engage the services of two Medical Officers with M.D (Siddha) in Sirappu Maruthuvam and one Consultant (Botany/Pharmacognosy), as per the details given below. The engagement will be purely on contract basis, initially for a period of six months. The selection will be made on the basis of Walk-in-Interview to be held on Saturday, the 7th March, 2015 at 10:00 AM at Central Council for Research in Siddha, SCRI Building, Anna Government Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106.

Post: Consultant (Botany/ Pharmacognosy)

Opening to work as Analytical Scientist I in Novartis | M.Sc. or M.Pharm

Novartis (NYSE: NVS) is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. The company has core businesses in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, consumer health, generics, eye care and animal health.
Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartis employs nearly 115 000 people in over 140 countries worldwide to help save lives and improve the quality of life. The Group is present in India through Novartis India Limited, listed on the Mumbai Stock Exchange and its wholly owned subsidiaries Novartis Healthcare Private Limited, Sandoz Private Limited and Chiron Behring Vaccines Private Limited.

Post: Analytical Scientist I

Required for Consultant - HLS-Pharma in Wipro

Post: Consultant - HLS-Pharma (T342947)

Opening for Junior Chemist in FAGMIL

FCI Aravali Gypsum & Minerals India Limited (FAGMIL) is Government of India undertaking under the Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers. FAGMIL was earlier a part of Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd., functioning as Jodhpur Mining Organization. It is engaged in Mining & exploration of mineral Gypsum.

Post: Jr. Chemist



Fatema Nasrin1*, Saikat Ranjan Paul2, Sonia Zaman2, Sabiha Ferdowsy Koly2
1Senior Lecturer,  Department of Pharmacy, Southeast University, Banani, Dhaka-1213
2Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Southeast University, Banani, Dhaka-1213

In the present study the antimicrobial & cytotoxic activity of crude methanolic extracts of leaves and stems of VignaMungoLinn. Hepper (Family-Leguminosae)were studied. Antimicrobial activity was tested against eleven important pathogenic bacteria including both gram positive and gram negative bacteria and two common fungi. The bacteria are B. megaterium, B. subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Sarcina lutea, Escherichia coli, Salmonella paratyphi, S. typhi, Shigella boydii, S. dysenteriae Vibrio mimicus and V. parahemolyticus. Disc diffusion technique was used for invitro antibacterial and antifungal screening. Here kanamycin disc (30mg /disc) was used as standard for antibacterial study. The extracts showed antimicrobial activity against most of the bacterial strains with an average zone of inhibition of 10-20mm. The tested fungi are Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. The extracts showed very good antifungal activity with an average 15 -19 mm zone of inhibition. The methanolic extracts of leaves of V. mungo  showed maximum activity (19 mm, zone of inhibition)  against Bacillus  megaterium (19mm) with Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 64mg/ml. The maximum zone of inhibition for the methanolic extracts of  stems was found 20mm  against Shigellaboydii with MIC values of 64mg/ml. Cytotoxicity test was also studied by Brine Shrimp Lethality Bioassay and compare with LC50 values of standard vincristin sulphate as a positive control. The results illustrated significant cytotoxicity against A. salina, with LC50 0.67μg/ml, 4.52 μg/ml and 3.25 μg/ml for vincristine sulphate as standard, leaves and stems extracts, respectively. Further pharmacological investigations are required to understand the underlying mechanism of these pharmacological activities.

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