Seven Hills College of Pharmacy (SHCP) was started in 2007 as an institution exclusively specialized in Pharmacy Education by Global Vision Educational & Welfare Society (Reg.No.296/2005), a non-profit organization registered under the Registration of Societies Act with the Registrar of Societies, Balaji Registration District. The College has been carefully launched & nurtured by its founders & visionaries Shri M. Venkatrama Raju & Shri M. Niranjan Babu, who have been learned educationists themselves.
(10th November, 2014); All multicellular creatures are descended from single-celled organisms. The leap from unicellularity to multicellularity is possible only if the originally independent cells collaborate. So-called cheating cells that exploit the cooperation of others are considered a major obstacle. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany, together with researchers from New Zealand and the USA, have observed in real time the evolution of simple self-reproducing groups of cells from previously individual cells.