The Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad (M.P.), is one of the nine units under the “Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited”(SPMCIL), a Mini Ratna Category-I, Central Public Sector Enterprise Company, a wholly owned company of Government of India, incorporated on 13.01.2006 under the Companies Act.,1956 with the objective of designing, manufacturing of currency and bank notes, non-judicial stamp papers etc. SPMCIL is under the administrative control of Ministry of Finance with its Registered and Corporate Office at 16th floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi.
Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad (MP) invites application for filling up the 01(One) post of full time Pharmacist on contract and they will be engaged as per requirement. The details of the posts, qualifications required and consolidated compensation payable to each Pharmacist is given below:-
Post: Pharmacist