About Author:
Shambhavi Singh
M.pharma, Singhania University
Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan
Based on the figures from the World Health Organization, more than 20 lakhs women die worldwide because of cervical cancer per year. Cervical cancer, a potentially preventable disease, found as the second most common malignancy in women worldwide. In India, the disease accounts for a probable 24 percent of India’s cancer cases among women and in addition to that 74,000 Indian women die annually from the disease, which results from the unusual growth of cells in the cervix. Cervical cancer is the most frequent disorder among women age near about 50 that increased the death rate in Indian rural women as compared urban due to lack awareness and don’t gain proper education. Cancer causing growth in the cervix is not a solitary type. It is not usually linked with hereditary genetic factor but a number of variable factors (Chemical, environmental and biological) indirectly enhance the risk of cervical cancer by increasing the possibility that a woman can contact an HPV infection. National Cancer Control Program emphasizes the significance of early detection and treatment. But our country has no well thought-out screening program and many women in India lack information regarding the disease and way to prevention and treatment facilities. Therefore, it is most of important to treat properly cervical cancer and make awareness in Indian women regarding its treatment and proper management.
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