About Authors:
Sudhir Ghawade,
Vidyabharati college of pharmacy,
In recent times, focus on plant research has increased all over the world.Caesalpinia crista (Caesalpiniaceae)plant is well known for its medicinal and therapeutic values in Indian Ayurveda.The Indian traditional scriptures as well as the Ayurvedic texts have various references to the use of this plant. The bitter principles Bonducin and Natin are the primary constituent of Caesalpinia crista apart from linolic acid, fatty acid, setasitosterol and different diterpenes which mainly believed to be responsible for its wide therapeutic action. The plant has been recommended for the treatment of various diseases and disorders such as Antispasmodic, Malarial fever, leucorrhea, abdominal pain , rheumatoid, arthritis, diabetes,cystic fibrosis, amenorrhoea. The herb is used both, internally as well as externally. The present review attempts to provide comphrensive information on pharmacology, phytochemical study,toxicity, traditional uses and current research prospects of the herb.
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