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Require Freshers for the posts of Executive QA, Analyst QC, Management Trainee QA in KAPL - 9 posts

Clinical research courses

Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., (KAPL) Bangalore is a Government Enterprise.  From a modest beginning in 1984, KAPL has grown from strength to strength in the areas of manufacturing and marketing of various life saving and essential drugs. With an ISO accredition from KPMG, Netherlands, KAPL is recognised for its total commitment to quality and services in domestic and international markets. On profit from inception, KAPL facilities are approved by many international clients.

Post: Executive QA, Analyst QC, Management Trainee QA

Executive –QA
Age: Below 28 years
No. of Posts : 2[SC-1 ; Gen –1]
The candidate should be B.Pharma graduate with minimum 2 years of experience in Quality Assurance Department of a pharmaceutical company. The candidates having exposure in QA concepts, on-line inspection, GMP audits, validation of equipments & facilities, handle deviations & change controls, maintain technical documentation and shall be well versed with computer working etc. The salary [ CTC ] will be around Rs.4.5 lakhs per annum

Analyst – III [ QC ]
Age : Around 25 years
No. of Posts: 3 [ SC-1 ; Gen –2]
The candidate should be M Sc., Microbiology or Chemistry. Candidates must have 1 – 2 years of experience in Q C department and able to analyse the raw materials and handling the instruments like HPLC, GE, IR etc., and testing equipments. Computer knowledge is required. The salary [ CTC ] will be around Rs.2.60 lakhs per annum

Management Trainee - QA
Age: Below 26 years
No. of Posts : 4
The candidate should be B.Pharma graduate. The candidates are required to carry out routine analysis of raw materials, parental products, tablets / capsules etc. The candidates shall be able to handle instruments like HPLC, GC, spectrophotometer etc., and computer knowledge is desirable.The training is for a period of two years. During the period of training, a monthly consolidated stipend of Rs.8000/- during the first year & Rs.10000/- for the second year will be paid. The above trainee position is purely on temporary in nature and ceases after the expiry of two years.

The company offers attractive remuneration for exceptionally deserving candidates including other allowances & benefits. Interested candidates may send their application (download the application form given below ) within 15 days to GENERAL MANAGER – HRD
Please click here to download the application form.

[A Government of India Enterprise]
Nirman Bhavan,
Dr.Rajkumar Road,
1st Block,
Bangalore - 10

LAST DATE: 30th Nov, 2011

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