About Authors: T.Venkatesh.Y.Nandini,L.Sai Kishore,V.Satish Kumar, P.Archana, G.malathi
Guided by: Ms.S.Rekha
Chilkur Balaji College of Pharmacy,Moinabad,Hyderabad.
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity “KSHEERABALA THAILAM” (an ayurvedic preparation of IMCOPS) by topical application against fresh egg white induced inflammation on Swiss albino rats. Using Randall and Baroth methodKsheerabala Thailam was investigated for the anti-inflammatory activity in Swiss albino rats against Diclofenac as standard reference and normal saline as control . The time taken for reduction of the inflammation in the rat paw was determined. The topical application of Ksheerabala Thailam exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity when compared with the standard Diclofenac and normal saline. The topical application of Ksheerabala Thailam has anti-inflammatory effect on Swiss albino rats.
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