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December 2009

Clinical research courses



Human Anatomy and Physiology

                          Anatomy and physiology

Anatomy (from the Greek ?νατομ?α anatomia, from ?νατ?μνειν ana: separate, apart from, and temnein, to cut up, cut open) is a branch of biology that is the consideration of the structure of living things.

Drug Latentation,

                                  Drug latentation

Selection of Soft Drug

                                         Soft drugs

Extraction of Drug Molecules

                    Extraction from natural resource

Mankind has used extracts from animal and plant sources from treatment of various, disorder from centuries.

Recently folk medicine around the world has been extensively explored.

Screening for formation of drug molecule

                                   Random screening

In this method all compounds i.e. both synthetic chemical and plant /animal/ marine product from given series were tested

Drug designing by serendipity


Some drugs or new uses of known drugs were discovered by accident either in lab or by investigation. And this type of accidental discovery of the drug is known as serendipity.


Drug Designing

                                   DRUG DESIGNING

Drug designing involves study of effect of biologically active compound on the basic of molecular interaction in terms of molecular structure or its physicochemical property involved.

Medicinal Chemistry

                                  Medicinal Chemistry

Mixing of Pharmaceutical substances and its mechanism


Definition: Process that results in randomization of dissimilar particles within a system.

Illustration of the concept of mixing: