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Work as Director in National Institute of Virology

Clinical research courses

The National Institute of Virology is an apex National Lab. of the Indian Council of Medical Research for diagnosis of diseases of suspected viral etiology all across the country and carrying out high quality research on viral infections viz; arbovirus and Crimean congo, hemorrhagic fever, KFD, Chandipura, Nipah, dengue, Chikungunya, JE, West Nile, H5N1//swine flu H1N1, Hepatitis, Harpes simplex, measles, enteroviruses, Polio, and other emerging and re-emerging viral infections. NIV is involved in development of diagnostics, providing diagnostic kits and services to patients, developing laboratory contingency plan, communication with government and public, providing support to SEARO countries, studies on understanding genetic variation in viruses with time, location and clinical presentation, pathogenesis of viral infections in animal models and humans, prevalence of viral infections and its characterization and to suggest its preventive and control strategies.
The Institute has been identified as WHO Collaborating Centre for Arobvirus and haemorrhagic fever, WHO National Influenza Centre in India, WHO Influenza ‘A’ H5 Reference Laboratory for South East Asia.
The Institute has a cell repository and facilities for electron microscopy, clinical virology and biochemistry and has a virus repository. A State of art BSL-3 plus facility has been established to handle highly infectious pathogens. The Institute carries out high quality basic, applied, translational research, investigates outbreaks of unknown aetiology, develops diagnostics and vaccine candidates.
A Microbial Containment Complex (MCC) having BSL 3+ bio-safety level facility for handling microorganisms of highly infectious nature has been established at Pashan, Pune. A Maximum Containment Laboratory (BSL4) is under advance stage of construction. These laboratories provide National facility for safe handling of highly hazardous pathogens.

Post: Director

Applications are invited upto 20th Aug., 2012 for one post of Director at its National Institute of Virology, Pune in the Pay Band-4 Rs.37400-67000 Plus Grade Pay Rs.10000/- and usual allowances as admissible as per Government norms.
Indian Council of Medical Research is a premier medical research organization dealing with health research in various areas in collaboration with national and international agencies through its 33 Institutes/Centers and 100 field stations situated all over the country with state of art infrastructural facilities. The post is with all India transfer liability under the Council.

(i) Postgraduate degree in medical subjects recognized by MCI or Doctorate Degree in Medicine/Pathology/Microbiology/Public Health or related life science disciplines or equivalent from a recognized University.
(ii) Fifteen years R&D experience in the relevant areas in a recognized institute(s) after obtaining essential qualification (i) above out of which at least 5 years in a managerial position to handle R&D projects independently in a team effectively and independent management of a Division/Institute.

DESIRABLE QUALIFICATION: (i) Additional Post doctoral research/teaching experience in relevant subjects after Ph.D in recognized institute(s)
(ii) Knowledge of Computer Applications.

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This is a top level research management post concerned with research on viruses and viral diseases of public health importance such as Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue, Chikungunya, H1N1, Kyasanur Forest Diseases/Hepatitis etc. The Director is expected to provide leadership and help to formulate and implement research programmes and also collaborate with reputed Institutes in India and abroad. He/She will have the overall responsibility of managing the research activities of Institute within the framework of the ICMR System and ensuring that creative, innovate research studies are undertaken in the identified priority areas (development of Intervention strategies, coordinate studies on vaccines & diagnostic tool and imparting training). Director is also responsible for manpower development through M.Sc and Ph.D program and training programs and interacting with and assisting the local health authorities in tackling outbreak due to viral diseases in different parts of country.

AGE LIMIT: Not exceeding 52 years. Relaxable up to 5 years for Government servants and SC/ST/OBC candidates in accordance with the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel & Training from time to time in this regard.

GENERAL RELAXATION CLAUSE: Age, qualification and experience will be relaxable in deserving cases as mentioned in the Recruitment Rules of Health Research Scientists Cadre of ICMR, 2007 under Rule 14 and Notes: 1 & 2 of Schedule- III.

Other Service Conditions:
(1) Pay Band-4 Rs.37400-67000 Plus Grade Pay Rs.10000/-.
(2) Allowances as per Central Government Rules are admissible on the above pay Scale.
(3) Benefits of new restructured defined contributory Pension system are admissible as per the provision contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (ECD & PR Division), Notification No.5/7/2003-ECD & PR dated 22.12.2003 effective from 1.1.2004.
(4) Private practice is not allowed. However, non-practicing allowance is admissible to medical graduates only as per rules.
(5) Applications from employees working in Central/State Govt. Departments/Public Sector Undertakings and Govt. funded research agencies must be forwarded through proper channel. Advance copies of application will be considered subject to the conditions that a “No Objection Certificate” from the employer is produced at the time of personal discussion. Application received after the closing date will not be considered. Candidates called for personal discussion/interview have the option to answer in Hindi also.

How to apply:
(1) Application forms and other information can be obtained from ICMR’s website on or before the closing date.
(2) Application forms duly completed in all respects and signed by the applicant should be sent to the Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, V.Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, Post Box 4911, New Delhi – 110029 on or before the closing date.
(3) Documents to be enclosed with the application form (Copies attested by Gazetted Officer):-
a) Proof of Date of Birth
b) Educational qualification
c) Experience
d) Crossed Indian Postal Order (IPO) for Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only) payable to the Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi. SC/ST/PH and women candidates are exempted from the application fee. IPOs are payable by all other candidates including ICMR employees.
(4) Unsigned/Incomplete application or application without supportive evidence asked for/without postal order application received late are liable to be summarily rejected.

(i) Since it is not possible to call all the eligible candidates for the interview/personal discussion, the applicants will be short-listed for this purpose. The decision of the Director General, ICMR will be final in this regard.
(ii) Candidates called for interview will be paid a 1st class rail fare by the shortest route on production of documents.
(iii) Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to selection/recruitment shall be disqualification.
(iv) The post is with all India transfer liability under the Council.

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